

词汇 at work
释义 at work
at work发音




art works───艺术品(artwork的名词复数)

part work───n.(英)分册出版的丛书(或著作集);分辑出版的丛刊

at worst───在最坏的情况下;作为最坏的可能性



at war───在交战状态中

to work───工作;运转


The report suggested that the same trend was at work in politics.───这份报告表明,同一趋势也在影响着政治。

Television cameras were invited in to film him at work.───电视台摄像师被请进来拍摄他工作的镜头。

Without sleep you will become a zombie at work.───不睡觉的话,工作起来会变得反应迟钝。

I often take paracetamol at work if I get a bad headache.───工作中头疼得厉害时,我常服用扑热息痛。

"Shouldn't you be at work today?" — "I called in sick."───“你今天不是应该上班的吗?”“我打电话请过病假了。”

Ma was still at work when I got back.───我回来的时候妈妈还在工作。

It helps them to unwind after a busy day at work.───这有助于他们忙碌一天后放松自己。

Don't phone me at work— people will talk.───别在上班时给我打电话,人家会说闲话的。

His main problem was the extremely smoky atmosphere at work.───他面临的主要问题就是:工作场所总是烟雾弥漫。

She was back at work with her arm in a sling.───她胳膊上还吊着三角巾,就回来工作了。

She was having an affair with someone at work.───她跟某一同事有染。

Within a matter of days she was back at work.───仅仅几天后,她又回去上班了。

At work, he was chained to a system of boring meetings.───上班时,他淹没在枯燥乏味的会海中。

The subject came up at work.───这一话题在工作时被提及。

Their progress at work was mirrored by their children's educational advance.───子女在学业上有所进步,他们在工作上也就会有所起色。

While slogging at work, have you neglected your marriage?───埋头工作的时候,你是否忽视了自己的婚姻?

He was more than usually depressed by problems at work.───工作上的问题使他异常沮丧。

Ma was still at work when I got back.───我回来的时候,妈妈还没下班。


Today was a rough day at work.

Quick at meal, quick at work.

The pressure at work continued without any letup.

You won't catch me at work after four o'clock.

They booted him out for being drunk at work.

She claimed that the way she had been treated at work had caused her extreme emotional and psychological distress.

A family can provide a buffer against stress at work.

Unless I'm mistaken, she was back at work yesterday.

She claims she has been sexually harassed at work.

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