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词汇 lashing out
释义 lashing out
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bashing out───痛击

hashing out───消除,经过长时间讨论解决一个问题

lasting out───持续;经受住;支持下去

washing out───冲刷;精疲力竭

splashing out───随意花钱

blasting out───爆破

crashing out───撞毁,坠毁

fleshing out───充实,具体化

asking out───邀请外出;(美)退休;(美)辞职


They go temporarily blind and can turn quite angry, lashing out in fear and darkness at all those around it.───它们会暂时失明,变得很愤怒,在恐惧与黑暗中猛烈地攻击周遭的一切。

Lashing out occasionally, and accidental bursts of melancholy, can be frustrating.───受到打击或是突然爆发的小忧郁都会让人沮丧。

encouraged them to remain wounded and lashing out at me.───他们的伤势依旧,而且因为受到鼓励更加无情地攻击我。

The Force-strong Korun fought without restraint, lashing out with vengeance and bloodlust forbidden by the Jedi Code.───原力强大的考伦人在战斗中肆无忌惮地复仇、杀戮,而这些都是绝地信条所禁止的。

Coping with China is never going to be easy, yet lashing out in frustration is a recipe for failure.───与中国应对是永远不会容易,但抱怨是没有用的。

the nervous, beleaguered Pakistanis lashing out in passive-aggressive insecurity.───四面受敌、神经过敏的巴基斯坦出于不安全感变得暴躁好斗。

Some officers had removed their badges and donned balaclavas before lashing out with their batons, all on camera.───摄像机已记录下,一些警察用警棍攻击示威人群前,取下了警徽、脱下了警帽。

Exclusive of their human feelings, lashing out, in no uncertain terms.───人类对专属自己的情感,鞭挞殆尽,毫不含糊。


He briefly considered lashing out on a taxi, but only briefly.

Hollywood has already shown it can be a fickle partner, with some of its thespian elite lashing out in 2007 against Mr Spielberg's involvement.

And given that fact, the last thing we need is the kind of self-indulgent behavior he showed by lashing out at progressives whom he feels aren't giving him enough credit.

The message is fear brings on a lashing out of extreme violence.

Most just let off steam by shouting and screaming, but one in five admitted to lashing out.

Government officials have responded to the allegations by lashing out at NGOs.

The Force-strong Korun fought without restraint, lashing out with vengeance and bloodlust forbidden by the Jedi Code.

A whole month of lashing out left Seth deep in debt.

  • lashing wire
  • lashings of the oars
  • lashing bridge
  • lashing out
  • lashings were vigorous ones
  • lashings of wasabi
  • lashing with wet noodle
  • lashing means




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