fish factory───养鱼厂
noise factor───[电子]噪声因数;[电子]噪声系数
noise factors───[电子]噪声因数;[电子]噪声系数
to light into───点燃
unit factor───n.装置因素
unit factors───n.装置因素
This add-on for Knoll Light Factory (2.5) in After Effects includes fantastic features like Edge flare-ups, color linking, Z-depth intensity, and full 3d obscuration.───这项附加为诺尔灯饰厂(2.5),包括像后效果神奇功能边缘的突发,颜色连接,直深入的力度,全3d的蒙昧。
In this tutorial, Aharon Rabinowitz introduces you to the features of Knoll 3d Flare - the new FREE add-on for Knoll Light Factory Pro from Red Giant Software.───在本教程中,阿哈龙诺维茨向您介绍诺尔三维喇叭的功能-新的完全免费的诺尔灯饰厂,专业软件的红巨星。
First they have Knoll Unmult, which is a free little plugin that comes along with Knoll Light Factory to knock out the black on solids with lens flares on them.───首先他们诺尔unmult,这是一个免费的小插件来一起诺尔轻厂淘汰的黑色固体的镜头耀斑他们。
This add-on for Knoll Light Factory (2.5) in After Effects includes fantastic features like Edge flare-ups, color linking, Z-depth intensity, and full 3D obscuration.
- knoll light factory