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词汇 when
释义 whenUK:*/ˈhwɛn/US:/hwɛn, wɛn; unstressed hwən, wən/US:(hwen, wen; unstressed hwən, wən)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 when adv (at what time?)什么时候;何时When did she leave work? At three o'clock?她什么时候下班的?三点钟?usage: used in questionsYou use when to ask about the time that something happened or will happen.When did you arrive?‘They’re getting married.' – ‘When?’ – ‘Next month.’ when adv (at which time?)哪个时候;什么时候When did she leave? Was it at four or five PM?她哪个时候离开的?是下午四点还是五点? when adv (how soon?)多快;多久;何时When can you leave?你还要多久能离开?
 when adv (how long ago?)多久以前When did she leave? Twenty minutes ago?她多久以前离开的?二十分钟前? when conj (if)如果When it rains, all traffic stops.如果下雨,所有交通都会停止。
 when conj (whereas) (转折语)而,然而,可是What are you doing in Madrid when you are supposed to be in Paris?当你应该在巴黎时,你在马德里做什么? when conj (at the point in time that)当…的时侯;在…时This was all happening when he suddenly arrived home.事情正在发生时他忽然回来了。
 其他翻译 when conj (at a time in the past)在(过去的某个)时候I started playing tennis when I was nine years old.我在9岁的时候就开始打网球。 when n (a particular time)时间;时刻We've decided the where of the meeting and need to tie down the when.我们已经决定了会议地点,还需要敲定会议时间。 when pron (what date)什么时候;何时Since when is nudity permitted in court?什么时候开始,法庭上容许出现裸体了? 复合形式: at the time when adv (during that period) (过去的某个时间)当…的时候At the time when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, there was no human life. back when adv (at a time in the past when)当…时;回到…时Back when I was a boy, there was no such thing as Nintendo Wii. when the s*** hits the fan expr slang, vulgar (disturbing facts: become public) (俚语,粗俗)暴露于众;公之于众 if and when expr (possibly in the future)如果那时;只有当....的时候 inquire whether/when/how, enquire whether/when/how vtr formal (with clause: ask)问;询问Fred inquired whether Larry had time to help him move this weekend.Lucie enquired when the next train for King's Cross departed.弗莱德询问拉里这周末是否有时间帮他搬家。// 露西询问开往国王十字车站的下一趟火车何时出站。 inquire as to whether/when/how/who/what, enquire as to whether/when/how/who/what vtr formal (with clause: ask)询问I am writing to inquire as to whether your company has any vacancies.我来信是想询问贵公司是否有职位空缺。 instruct [sb] that/when/where vtr (with clause: inform [sb]) (接从句)告知;通知The officials were instructed that their duties included ensuring health and safety rules were adhered to. no matter when adv (at whatever time)无论何时;随便什么时候You can always phone me, no matter when. no matter when expr (with clause: regardless of when)不管何时No matter when I go, there always seems to be a long queue. only when necessary adv (strictly as required)只在必要时You must take the pain killers only when necessary. pigs might fly, pigs can fly, when pigs fly expr (that will never happen)不可能的事;异想天开 Say when! interj informal (indicate [sth] is enough)够了就请告知;好了就说一声As the hostess began to pour wine into her guest's glass, she cried, "Say when!" Since when? interj informal, expressing surprise (for how long?)从什么时候开始?Ned and Ellie are going out? Since when? since when expr informal, expressing disapproval (how long ...?)什么时候开始;何时起Since when have you been in charge? Stop telling me what to do! since when expr (from that time)从那时起Olivia joined the company two years ago, since when she has instigated several major changes. when all is said and done adv informal (ultimately) (非正式用语)最后,结果,尘埃落定When all's said and done, you've no right to an opinion on this. when else conj (at what other time)其他什么时候If you can't see me today, I don't know when else we'll be able to get together. when else adv (at another time)别的什么时间合适?If not now, when else? When in Rome ..., When in Rome, do as the Romans do expr (act according to local customs)入乡随俗 when it comes to [sth] expr (with regard to)说到,谈到I love to read, but I have trouble when it comes to studying science.我喜欢读书,不过一说到科学课我就不行了。 when push comes to shove expr (when things become difficult)到了紧要关头;事态严重时 when the chips are down adv informal, figurative (in a difficult situation) (非正式用语,比喻)最后,结果,尘埃落定When the chips are down, are you brave enough to keep going? when your ship comes in expr figurative (when you are rich or successful)当你成功时;当你有了钱




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