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词汇 tube
释义 tubeUK:*/ˈtjuːb/US:/tub, tjub/ ,(to̅o̅b, tyo̅o̅b)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 tube n (pipe, cylinder)卷筒; (统称)管子,管状物The poster was rolled up and placed inside a tube to prevent it from getting creased. The liquid flowed through the tubes into the tank.海报被卷起来放进卷筒里以防起皱。液体从管子里流进水箱。 tube n (anatomy: passage, canal)人体的管状器官,(人体)管道The pain was probably caused by a blocked tube somewhere in the digestive system.疼痛很可能是消化系统某处管道堵塞造成的。 tube n (cyclindrical container: toothpaste, etc.) (内装牙膏等糊状物)软管,管Debra squeezed the last bit of toothpaste from the tube.黛布拉从牙膏管里挤出了最后一点牙膏。 tube n (part inside a tire) (车胎)内胎You need to inflate the tube to get your tyres to the right pressure.你需要给内胎打气,让轮胎达到适当胎压。 tube, Tube n UK, informal (London underground railway)地铁; (台湾)捷运Wendy needed to get to the other side of London, so she took the tube.Ian travels to work by Tube.温蒂需要去伦敦另一边,所以乘坐地铁。 // 伊恩乘坐地铁去上班。 the tube n slang (television)电视;电视机The kids spend all day glued to the tube; they should get outside and play in the fresh air.小孩应该去玩,享受新鲜空气,不该整天看电视。 复合形式: the boob tube n US, dated, slang (television)电视It's the best show on the boob tube. the boob tube n US, dated, slang (television set)电视机The boob tube is in the corner of the room. boob tube n UK (shoulderless women's top)紧身抹胸;无吊带紧身胸衣Jane is wearing a bright pink boob tube. bronchial tube n (bronchus, airway)支气管 capillary tube n (physics: glass tube) (物理学)毛细管 cathode ray tube n (TV: device to display images) (电视的显像管)阴极射线管,电子射线管The cathode ray tube, or CRT, is being replaced by newer display technologies, such as LCD (liquid crystal display) or plasma. CRT n initialism (cathode ray tube)阴极射线管 Eustachian tube n (part of the ear)欧氏管;耳咽管The Eustachian tube links the pharynx to the middle ear. fallopian tube, Fallopian tube n (female reproductive part)输卵管The fallopian tubes carry eggs from the ovaries to the womb. feeding tube n (nasogastric tubing)喂食管;进食管;鼻饲管The patient was fitted with a feeding tube. gas tube n (pipe that transports gas)气体管;充气管 gas tube, discharge tube n (electron tube containing gas)气体放电管 inner tube n (rubber tubing in tyre)(车轮)内胎Some cyclists carry a spare inner tube with them in case they get a puncture. mailing tube n (packaging: cardboard cylinder)邮寄印刷品等所使用的纸筒You may want to consider using a mailing tube for that poster. test tube n (glass vial)试管;玻璃试管 test-tube n as adj (relating to a test tube)试管的;试管培育的 test-tube baby n informal (person: conceived in-vitro)试管婴儿Test-tube babies are common these days. test-tube rack n (laboratory: holder for test tubes)试管架 tube sock n usually plural (clothing)圆筒短袜 tube top (clothing)抹胸紧身背心 vacuum tube n (electron tube in radios, etc.)真空管;电子管 vacuum tube n (electronics: sealed glass tube)玻璃管




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