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词汇 training
释义 trainingUK:*/ˈtreɪnɪŋ/US:/ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ ,(trā′ning)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: train主要翻译 training n (physical exercise: practice)训练;锻练He went to training every day to regain use of his hand.他每天都去训练,以恢复手的功能。 training n (knowledge or skill learned)培训;训练;培养His training as an electrician taught him to rewire the TV set.他在电工培训中学会了如何重装电视电线。 training n (coaching process)训练;培训;教练Bob is in charge of training at this company.I'll be in training this week, so I won't be at my desk.鲍勃现在负责培训。// 我这周要去培训,不在班上。 复合形式:training | train autogenic training n (relaxation technique)自律训练;自生训练 basic training n (instruction in basic skills)基本培训;基础训练The basic training for mental health workers lasts 160 hours. basic training n (military: initial training) (军队)基本训练In basic training, we learned how to shoot and how to drive a tank. circuit training n (athletic exercise)(轮番进行多种体育锻炼的)循环训练Circuit training is effective for building aerobic endurance and burning fat, but not so much so for adding muscle. cross-training, cross training n (combining types of exercise)交叉训练 cross-training, cross training n (business: employee training)交叉培训;交流培训 graduate training (US), postgraduate training (UK) n (practical study)毕业实习 horse training n (teaching behaviour to horses)驯马 in-service training n (professional training while on the job)在职培训We all had to attend an in-service training session before we could use the new computer system. interval training n (athletics: alternating exercises)间歇训练The trainer at the gym suggested that I try interval training to increase my endurance. job training n (learning professional skills)职业培训 military training n (drilling in army discipline and techniques)军事训练;军训War journalists are now often required to undergo military training before being allowed to go into the field. on-the-job training n (apprenticeship, learning by doing)在职培训I never took actual programming courses, but I had a lot of on-the-job training.Experience is not required; the company provides on-the-job training. out of training adj (become unfit)没有进行训练的;竞技状态不太好的The footballer was out of training after spending a month on vacation. physical training n (fitness coaching)健身,体育锻炼 potty training n (teaching an infant to use the toilet)如厕训练,大小便训练 stabilizers (UK), stabilisers (UK), training wheels (US) npl (bicycle training wheels)儿童自行车稳定轮,儿童自行车辅助轮 staff training n (development of skills)员工培训,人员培训,职工培训 strength training n (exercise with weights)力量训练It is important for women to do strength training to maintain bone density. teacher training n (practical teaching course)教师培训After I graduate I'm going to do teacher training because I want to work in a school. toilet training n (child: process of learning to use toilet) (教孩子、宠物等上厕所)上厕所训练Diana's toilet training is coming along nicely. training bra n (pubescent girls' undergarment)少女胸罩;少女文胸 training camp n (for sports) (体育运动)训练营Training camp began today for the team. training course n (practical programme of study)培训班;培训课程Dr.Watkins had to go on a training course to learn about the new drugs. training session n (sport, gym: exercise or practice period) (运动方面、健身场所的)培训课程 training ship (ship for novice sailors)训练船;教练船 training wheels (US), stabilizers, stabilisers (UK) npl (on a bicycle) (自行车的)支撑轮 vocational training n (practical study for a career)职业培训Trade schools offer vocational training for people who want to be electricians, mechanics, and the like. weight training n (lifting barbells for fitness)举重训练He stays in shape by running and doing weight training.




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