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词汇 iron out
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v.烫平,消除; 熨平; 解决; 处理; 消除


irons out───消除;烫平

ironed out───消除;烫平

brown out───(为节电等原因)把灯火弄暗;灯火管制

grown out───出,发芽;拉架子

iron rust───[材]铁锈

grow out───出,发芽;拉架子

iron hat───铁帽


He expects to iron out these difficulties at a special conference next week.───他期望在下周一次专门会议上解决这些困难.

We need to iron out the kinks in the new system.───我们需要理顺新制度中的一些问题。

The various groups had now managed to iron out their differences.───各团体现在已努力消除了彼此间的分歧。

She is doing her best to iron out difficulty.───她正尽力排除困难.

They used a steamroller to iron out the road.───他们用压路机来平整路面.

Let's iron out our differences.───让我们协调好我们的分歧吧.

Could you iron out the wrinkles in my dress?───请帮我熨平连衣裙上的褶皱好吗?

Would you iron out the wrinkles in my dress?───请帮我烫平连衣裙上的皱褶好 吗 ?

He was determined to iron out the difficulties.───他决心解决困难.

She patted the front of her dress as if to iron out any wrinkles.───她轻拍裙子的前摆,好似要熨平皱折似的。

True, you've numerous issues iron out before you can address the future.───没错, 只有在你解决了目前你所面对的诸多问题之后,你才可以规划设计你的将来.

He's gifted with the ability to iron out differences.───他天生拥有消除分歧的能力.

They used a steam roller to iron out the road.───他们用蒸汽压路机压平了路面.

Throughout the crisis central banks have sought to iron out these kinks.───在这次危机的整个过程中,央行曾寻求消除这些缺陷.

Don't worry. We'll iron out the problems.───别着急, 我们会解决这些问题的.

Will you iron out the wrinkles in this skirt?───可以帮我把这件裙子烫平 吗 ?

Should we iron out the existing problems before more plants are built?───在建新工厂之前,我们应该解决现存的问题 吗 ?


We're still trying to iron out some problems with the computer system.

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