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词汇 test
释义 testUK:*/ˈtɛst/US:/tɛst/ ,(test)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 test n (examination)测试;测验I have a German test today; I hope I get good results.我今天有个德文考试,希望能考好。 test n (analysis)实验;试验;试验The scientists are going to run their tests.科学家们要做实验了。 test n (performance check, evaluation)测量;测试性能The scientists plan to run a final test on the rocket at the end of the month.科学家打算在这个月底进行最后一次火箭实验。 test [sth] vtr (check performance) (性能)测;测验;测试The sensors will test the strength of the fibres.探测器会测出各种纤维的强度。usage: ‘test’When you use a practical method to try to find out how good or bad someone or something is, don't say that you ‘prove’ them. Say that you test them.I will test you on your knowledge of French.A number of new techniques were tested. test [sb], test [sb] for [sth] vtr (perform medical check) (医疗)检测,因为…而对…进行化验The doctor tested Mark for TB.医生检测马克是否患上了结核病。 test [sb], test [sb] on [sth] vtr (check knowledge)对…进行…方面的测试;考查…对于…方面的知识The teacher tested the students on what they had learnt that term.老师对学生们进行了当期所学知识方面的测试。 test [sth] vtr (try out)测试;检测I want to test the program today to see if it works.我今天想测测这个程序,看它是否能用。 test [sth], test [sth] for [sth] vtr (analyse)检验;化验Neil is having his urine tested for various disorders.他正在做尿检,看有哪些异常。 其他翻译 test n (criterion) (判断、测试的)标准,准则The test of a good athlete is discipline.对一名运动员是否优秀的判断标准是纪律性。 test n (cricket: test match) (板球)决赛期间各国家队之间的比赛England performed well in today's test against India.在今天对抗印度的各国家队之间的比赛中,英国表现出色。 test n (shell of some invertebrates) (某些无脊椎动物)壳The sea squirt larva is covered in a test. test vi US, informal (achieve a test result)取得考试成绩;测得结果My brother always tests well. test [sth] vtr (put under strain)考验The long wait tested Jessica's patience. The realisation that the project was more difficult than he had thought tested Tim's resolve.漫长的等候考验着杰西卡的耐心。意识到这个项目比想象中的要困难许多,这考验着提姆的决心。 动词短语 test [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (try, use experimentally)充分检验;充分考验I think I'll test out this new floor polish. 复合形式: achievement test n (school: assessment)学业测试She performed at the 95th percentile on the math achievement test. acid test n figurative (decisive indicator) (比喻)严峻的考验The acid test in becoming a good cook is making a perfect soufflé. acid test n (chemistry: litmus test) (本义)酸性测试 alpha test n (software: first trial) (计算机,对软件制品的初级测试)α测试 antibody test n (test for infectious disease)抗体检测 aptitude test n (test of innate ability)能力测试;能力倾向测试Aptitude tests suggest that I should be a gardener or an archaeologist. bench test, bench check (engine test)台架测试;台架试验 beta test n (software: second trial) (计算机)β测试Although participants in a beta test get new software before anyone else, they must accept that it may not work properly. beta test n (intelligence test) (心理学)乙种测验 beta test [sth] vtr (software: trial again) (电脑硬件、软件发行上市前的试用)进行β测试The company is looking for volunteers to beta test the software upgrade. blood test n (lab test on blood sample)血液试验;验血;查血His blood test showed a high cholesterol level.血液检测显示他的胆固醇很高。 breath test n (law: to check alcohol level) (测试酒精含量)呼气检测 breath test [sb] vtr (law: test alcohol level) (测试酒精含量)对…进行呼气检测 chi-square test, chi-squared test n (mathematics: statistical test) (数学)卡方测验We will use a chi-square test to see if the actual statistical distribution fits the theoretical distribution. cloze test n (exercise: fill in blanks)完形填空;填空测验 diagnostic test n (detects illness)诊断测试;诊断检查An MRI is an example of a diagnostic test. dipstick test n (urine test strip) (尿检)尿液检查试纸;试纸条 driver's test (US), driving test (UK) n (exam for learner drivers)驾照考试Gina failed her driver's test several times before finally passing. drug test n (screening for drugs in body)药检At the Olympics, athletes must undergo a drug test to check that they have not consumed performance-enhancing drugs. eye exam, eye test n colloquial (sight test)视力检查You don't need to take another driving test to renew your license, you just have to take an eye exam to prove to the inspector that you can still see well enough to drive. field-test [sth] vtr figurative (trial [sth] under real conditions)对…进行现场测试 high-test adj (gasoline: high-octane) (汽油)高挥发性的,高度挥发性的 intelligence test n (test to measure intelligence)智力测验In the past, all school students had to take an intelligence test. laboratory test n (scientific experiment or analysis)实验室检测 lateral flow test n (rapid method of screening for infection)侧向流动检测;测流抗原测试 listening test n (aural examination)听力测试 literacy test n (exam in basic reading and writing)文化水平测试All students have to pass a basic literacy test before they can be accepted onto the course. litmus test n (test for acidity or alkalinity) (酸碱度测试)石蕊测试 litmus test n figurative (decisive basis for judgement) (比喻义)试金石 means test n (appraisal of [sb]'s financial situation)经济状况调查;财力调查After the means test his application for unemployment benefits was denied. means-test [sb] vtr (determine eligibility for benefits)对...进行经济情况调查备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a verb medical test n (diagnostic exam or procedure)医学检查,医学检验,医疗检验 molecular test n (diagnostic check done in laboratory)分子检测 oral test n (spoken examination)口头测试Oral tests are an alternative to written exams in a variety of subjects. oral test n (spoken language exam)口语测试The students had to prepare for an oral test to demonstrate their conversational Spanish. pap smear, Pap smear, pap test, Pap test n US (test for cervical cancer)巴氏涂片,刮片检查 PCR test n initialism (method of screening for infection)核酸检测 performance test (psychology)性能测试;性能试验 personality test n (psychological evaluation)个性测评A personality test can tell you something about yourself. placement examination, placement exam, placement test n (assessment test)评估考试;入学分级考试Many schools require a placement examination in order to decide which program is best for the student. placement test n (assessment exam)安置考试;入学分级考试;评估测试We give all incoming freshmen a placement test to see what level math they should start at. polygraph test n (questioning using lie detector)测谎 practical test n (exam: measures skill, competence)(技能)实测;实用测验She passed her theory test but failed the practical test. pregnancy test n (diagnostic kit)怀孕测试;妊娠测试Chris and Laura could hardly breathe as they waited for the results of the pregnancy test.克里斯和劳拉急切地等待着妊娠测试结果,几乎无法呼吸。 PSAT n US, initialism (college entrance exam)初级学业能力倾向测验 put [sth/sb] to the test v expr (check performance)考验;经受检验The new safety procedures were put to the test when there was a fire in the basement. road test n US (test of vehicle in use) (为检测车辆安全性等的)道路试验The article reports results from the road tests of three new cars. sanity check, sanity test n (verification of claim or result)完好性检查;合理性检验 screen test n (film audition)试镜Actors' screen tests are enjoyable to watch because they show the first reading of a script. screen-test [sb] vtr (audition [sb])试镜 severe test n (ordeal, extreme trial)严格检验Spending the winter in the mountains was a severe test of their determination. skin test n (medical test for allergies, etc.) (用于检查过敏等)皮肤测试;皮试 smear test n (pap smear: cervical cancer check)子宫颈涂片检查;巴氏涂片检查 spelling test n (school: quiz to check spelling)拼写考试;拼写测验 stand the test of time v expr (last, endure)经得起时间的考验,持久 standardized test, also UK: standardised test n (same test for everyone)标准考试;标准测试The SAT is a standardized test that is widely used for college admissions. stress test n (check made on strength or stability)压力测试 take a test v expr (sit an exam or quiz)参加考试I have to take a test in biology next week. TB test n abbreviation (tuberculosis screening)结核病检验;结核病筛查 test ban n (agreement not to test nuclear weapons)禁止核武器试爆协定 test case n (court case that sets a precedent) (法律)判例 test drive n (trial of car before buying)试驾 test driver n (tests cars)试驾员 test flight n (aircraft's trial journey)试飞Something went wrong during the test flight and the plane crashed. test paper n (copy of an exam)考试试卷Some unscrupulous students got hold of the test papers before the exam and sold them. test pattern n (TV: test card) (电视等)测试图案,测试图形;测试模式The TV stations used to end their broadcast day by displaying a test pattern. test pilot n ([sb] who flies aircraft to trial them)试飞员 test positive vi + adj (have positive result)检测呈阳性Out of all the patients screened for the virus, only 20% tested positive. test positive for [sth] v expr (have positive result for a condition)...检测呈阳性 test run n (trial)试行Rory took his race car to the track for a test run. test stand (rocketry)火箭试验台 test the waters v expr figurative (assess or evaluate [sth])试水,测试 test tube n (glass vial)试管;玻璃试管 test-tube n as adj (relating to a test tube)试管的;试管培育的 test-bed n (engineering: testing area)试验台 test-tube baby n informal (person: conceived in-vitro)试管婴儿Test-tube babies are common these days. test-tube rack n (laboratory: holder for test tubes)试管架 vocabulary test n (short exam checking word knowledge)词汇测试I did quite well on the vocabulary test. written test n (exam carried out on paper)笔试The exam consists of three written tests and one oral.Lydia passed the written test but failed the practical driving test.




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