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词汇 star
释义 starUK:*/ˈstɑːr/US:/stɑr/ ,(stär)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 star n (celestial body) (天体)恒星The Sun is one of many stars.太阳是众多恒星中的一个。 star n (celebrity)明星;名流;大人物She is a big Hollywood star.她是好莱坞巨星。 star n (character, symbol: asterisk)星号;星号符 star, star key n (on keyboard: key with asterisk)星号键;星键To speak to an operator, press star.要跟接线员讲话,按星号键。 star in [sth] vi + prep (play a leading role) (电影、电视等)领衔主演The famous actress stars in a new drama.那位著名女演员在一部新剧中是领衔主演。 star [sth] vtr (mark with an asterisk)贴上星号;打上星号The teacher starred the correct answers.老师在正确答案上打了星号。 star adj (excellent, finest)杰出的;突出的;优秀的She is the star pupil in the class.她可是班里的明星学生。 其他翻译 star n (main performer)主要角色;主角Our daughter is the star of the show. star n figurative, often plural (destiny)命运, 天命, 命数Go to the city and follow your star.The fortune teller told me what she saw in my stars. star n (geometric figure)星形图案;星状图案The artists traced a star on the canvas. star n (prominent person)明星;特别优秀的人;表现突出者Duane is the star of the sales team. star n (military decoration) (标示军衔)星章That general has four stars. star n (award, rating)星级;级别This restaurant has two Michelin stars.In London, we stayed in a five-star hotel. star [sth] vtr (set with stars)在...贴上星星The students starred their art projects. star [sb] vtr (feature: a performer)由…主演;由...参演The new movie stars my favourite actor. 复合形式: all-star n (sports: player selected for top team) (体育)全明星运动员 all-star adj (team, game: featuring top sportspeople) (体育等)全明星的 all-star adj (cast, show: featuring famous performers)全明星的The new film has an all-star cast. brittle star n (type of starfish)阳遂足;海蛇尾 carambola, star fruit, starfruit n (yellow Asian star-shaped fruit)杨桃 co-star, costar n (actor: shares top billing)联合主演Claudette Colbert was Clark Gable's co-star in the film "It Happened One Night." co-star, costar vi (actor: share top billing)联袂主演They fell in love while co-starring in a romantic comedy. co-star with [sb], costar with [sb] vi + prep (actor: share top billing with)与...联袂主演 dwarf, dwarf star n (astronomy: small star) (天文)矮星Very small stars are called dwarfs. the Evening star n (Venus as seen after sunset) (太阳落山后的金星)昏星 five-star n as adj (hotel, etc.: rated five stars) (酒店)五星的 five-star n as adj figurative (highly rated, recommended)很高评价的,强烈推荐的 four-star n as adj (military: being a full general, admiral) (军事)四星级的,四星的 four-star n as adj (hotel, etc.: rated four stars) (酒店等)四星级的 four-star general n (high-ranking military officer) (军衔)四星上将Dwight David Eisenhower was a four-star-general. gold star n (award for schoolwork) (对学生的表彰)金星Sylvia got a gold star for her project. Gold Star n (award given in Soviet Union) (苏联颁发的奖章)金星勋章The Soviet Union awarded the Gold Star to "heroes" of the communist state. guest star n (TV: famous actor playing a role)客串明星;嘉宾James Franco was recently a guest star on the soap opera "General Hospital". guiding star n figurative (person: inspires, leads) (比喻)指路人,指路明灯 the morning star n (Venus as seen before sunrise)金星,启明星 morning star n (medieval weapon) (中世纪武器)钉头锤,晨星 morning star, morning-star n UK regional, Ire (plant: Ornithogalum umbellatum) (百合属植物)渥丹 movie star, also UK: film star n (famous film actor)电影明星Now that he was a movie star everybody wanted to give him things for free. neutron star n (star that has collapsed)中子星 the North Star n (astronomy: polestar, Polaris) (天文)北极星One can distinguish direction at night by following the North Star.在夜里,根据北极星,我们就能辨别出方向。 one-star n as adj (hotel, etc.: rated one star)一星级的 polar star n (north star)北极星You can find north by looking for the polar star. polestar, pole star n (Polaris, North Star) (现在的北极星)勾陈一 polestar, pole star n (brightest star near celestial pole) (持续变动)北极星备注: 最靠近北天极的一颗星 polestar, pole star n figurative (guiding principle, leader)指导性原则;引导性原则 rising star n figurative (up-and-coming performer) (指演艺人员)冉冉之星;明日之星 rock star n (singer, musician: rock music)摇滚明星;摇滚歌星 rock star n figurative, informal (hero, icon)英雄;偶像 shining star n figurative (luminary, inspiring figure) (比喻义)耀眼的明星;风云人物 shooting star, falling star n (meteor)流星I spent all last night trying to see a shooting star. star anise n (spice) (一种香料)星形大茴香,八角Star anise lends its flavor to many things including ouzo. Star of Bethlehem n (Christianity: star that led the Magi) (基督教:耶稣出生时出现在伯利恒上空的一颗星星)圣诞星,伯利恒之星The Wise Men followed the Star of Bethlehem to the stable where Jesus was born. star-of-Bethlehem, summer snowflake n (plant) (植物)伯利恒之星,圣星百合 Star of David n (Judaism: six-pointed star) (犹太教)六角的大卫之星,六芒星 star player n (top sportsperson in a team)明星队员The team's star player is currently injured. star sign n (one of 12 signs of the Zodiac)星座 Star Wars n (film) (电影)星球大战 Star Wars n historical (defense program) (历史用语)星球大战防御计划 star-crossed adj (unlucky)不幸的;时运不济的 the Star-Spangled Banner n (national anthem of United States)美国国歌 star-studded adj (covered with stars)星罗棋布的I looked up at the star-studded sky. star-studded adj informal (with many famous people)众星云集的The movie boasts a star-studded cast. starfish, sea star n (star-shaped sea creature)海星We saw different kinds of starfish on the beach. starstruck, also UK: star-struck adj figurative (awed by fame or celebrities) (比喻)对名望充满敬畏的,对名流充满敬畏的The first time I met my hero in person, I was a little starstruck. three-star n as adj (of, being a lieutenant general) (军衔)三星的 three-star n as adj (hotel, etc.: rated three stars)三星级的 top billing, star billing n (performer: most featured)主角;头牌 two-star n as adj (of, being a major general) (军衔)两星的 two-star n as adj (hotel, etc.: rated two stars) (酒店等)两星级的 two-star, two-star petrol n UK, dated (low-grade leaded fuel)低档含铅汽油




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