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词汇 project
释义 projectUK:* noun: /ˈprɒdʒɛkt/, verb: /prəˈdʒɛkt/US:/n. ˈprɑdʒɛkt, -ɪkt; v. prəˈdʒɛkt/US:(n. proj′ekt, -ikt; v. prə jekt′)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 project n (plan, scheme)项目;计划I have a few projects that I am working on in the office.我有几个在手的项目。我在办公室里就是忙这些事情。 project n (task)(一个)项目;(一项)工作It should take me about three hours to complete this project.完成这个项目应该会花掉我三个小时的时间。 project n (major undertaking)工程项目;工程The road project caused traffic problems for months.这个道路工程项目造成了数月的交通问题。 project [sth] vtr (film: show)放映;放(电影)Charles projected his movie on a white wall in the back of the room.查尔斯将他的电影投射在房间后面的白墙上放映。 project [sth] vtr (convey)表达,传达,表现,展示Speaking louder and more clearly will help you to project confidence.说话时声音更加洪亮清晰可以帮助你展示出自己的信心。 project [sth]/that vtr (predict)预测;预言Economists project GDP growth of 3% next year.经济学家预言明年的国民生产总值增长率会是百分之三。 project [sth], project [sth] onto [sb] vtr (emotion: attribute to [sb] else)把(感情等)投射到Heather projected her fear of dogs onto her son, who actually liked them.希瑟把自己对犬类的恐惧投射在了她儿子身上,而她儿子原本是喜欢狗的。 project vi (protrude, stick out)露出;突出;伸出The mattress did not fit in the truck, so part of it projected from the back.床垫没法完全塞进卡车里,有一部分在从车后面露了出来。 其他翻译 project [sth] vtr (voice: make louder)使用嗓子发(音);发(声)It's important to project your voice when you are on stage so the audience can hear your words. 复合形式: housing project n US (inner city)经济适用房区;住宅小区He is in charge of the municipal housing project.Rappers often sing about growing up in housing projects. project leader n (leader of a task or programme)项目负责人,项目主管,项目经理The project leader must ensure that every team member understands the purpose of the project. project management n (leadership of a task or programme)项目管理Robert is doing a course on project management. project manager n ([sb] who oversees project plan)项目经理The project manager must make sure that the project is completed on time. Project Officer n (coordinates task, program)项目专员,项目干事The Project Officer is in charge of the management of the project. project team n (assigned to a task)项目团队,项目组The project team are having a meeting to discuss progress. project work n (done for a specific task)专题作业,课题研究The students will be doing project work in their class this afternoon.




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