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词汇 north
释义 northUK:*'north': /ˈnɔːθ/; 'North': /nɔːθ/US:/nɔrθ/ ,(nôrth)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: North主要翻译 north n (direction)北;北方Tom's parents live a few miles to the north.汤姆的父母住在北方距离这里几英里的地方。usage: ‘north’The north is the direction that is on your left when you are looking towards the direction where the sun rises.The land to the north and east was very flat.There is a possibility of colder weather and winds from the north.A north wind blows from the north.The north wind was blowing straight into her face.The north of a place is the part that is towards the north.The violence started in the north of the country.The best asparagus comes from the Calvados region in the north of France.North occurs in the names of some countries, states, and regions.They have hopes for business in North Korea.They crossed the mountains of North Carolina.We are worried about possible ecological damage in North America. north, the north n (magnetic north) (磁极)北极The compass needle always points to the north.指南针总是指向北极。 north adj (from the north)北部来的;从北边来的;北的;北边的Every afternoon, a cold north wind blows through the valley.每天下午都会有一阵寒冷的北风吹过山谷。 north adj (facing north)朝北的;面北的She planted lettuce on the north side of the house, where it would get the least sun.她在房屋朝北的地方种了些生菜,那里日照最少。 north adv (direction)向北方;往北The ducks will fly north in the spring.鸭子春天就会飞到北方去。 复合形式:north | North due north adv (towards the north)向正北方Get on the highway and head due North. due north n (compass point: north)正北A compass needle doesn't point to due north: it points to magnetic north. in the north adv (in a northerly region)在北面;在北方Poverty in the north is much higher than in the south. magnetic north n (North: direction on a compass)磁北My compass is pointing to magnetic north, so not exactly towards the North Pole. north shore n (land at water's north edge)北岸The waves hit the north shore. north side n (side or aspect facing the north)北边;北面;北侧The shop is on the north side of the street. north-facing adj (facing towards the north)朝北的 north-facing side n (building: side that faces north) (建筑物)朝北的一面My bedroom is on the north-facing side of the house and so is always cold. north-northeast, north-north-east n (compass direction) (指南针)东北偏北 north-northeast, north-north-east adv (towards this point)东北偏北地If you head north-northeast, after a couple of miles you will see a sign for the theme park. northeast, north east n (north-eastern region)东北部地区In the northeast there are hundreds of butterfly species. northeast, north east n (compass point: NE)东北The compass pointed to the northeast, toward the river. northeast, north-east adj (in, of the northeast)东北区的We have a seaside holiday cottage on the north-east coast. northeast, north-east adj (wind: coming from the north east) (风)来自东北方的This north-east wind is bitterly cold. northeast, north-east adj (going towards the northeast)往东北方向去的The boat was on a north-east heading when it collided with the tanker. northwest, north west n (north-western region)东北地区We're traveling to Washington, and other parts of the northwest, for vacation. northwest, north west n (compass point: NW) (罗盘上的标注)西北方向The compass is stuck at northwest. northwest, north-west adj (in, of the northwest)在东北的;自东北的Cumbria is one of England's northwest counties. northwest, north-west adj (wind: coming from the northwest) (风)来自西北的The northwest wind was strong. northwest, north-west adj (going towards the northwest)往东北的From London, we took a northwest train as far as Oxford. true north n (direction of North Pole) (地理上的北极,非磁极之北)正北方,真北方True north is not the same as magnetic north. true north adv (in the direction of North Pole)正北方;在真北方 up north adv informal (in the north of the country) (非正式用语)向北方,在北部,北上




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