词汇 | non |
释义 | non 主要翻译 non, non- adj prefix (not) (表否定的前缀)非,不For example: nonpayment, non-toxic 复合形式: gender nonconforming, gender non-conforming adj (not following gender norms)非常规性别的;性别变体的 liability for noncompliance, also UK: liability for non-compliance n (legal obligation)不遵从责任 NFT n initialism (non-fungible token)非同质化代币 non compos mentis adj Latin (not of sound mind)精神不正常的,心神丧失的 non grata Latin (not welcome)不受欢迎的 non sequitur n Latin (statement: not logical)不合逻辑的推论The title of the song "Cheese Is A Kind of Meat" is an amusing non sequitur. non-amortizable, also UK: non-amortisable adj (finance: cost cannot be written off)不可摊销的 non-binary, nonbinary adj (having no distinct division into two)非二进制的 non-binary, nonbinary, gender non-binary, gender nonbinary adj (gender: not strictly male or female)非二元性别的 non-captive adj (animal: wild, free)野生的 non-com, noncom n US, informal, abbreviation (military: non-commissioned officer)军士 non-contestability, noncontestability n (law: insurance clause)不可异议条款 non-dietary adj (not in diet)非饮食的There are sometimes non-dietary factors that contribute to obesity. non-EU adj abbreviation (not in the European Union)非欧盟的 non-fungible token n (NFT: digital asset)非同质化代币 non-iron adj (does not require ironing)免烫的 non-profit, not-for-profit, also UK: non-profit-making adj (organization: not run for income)非盈利的He donates money to several non-profit-making charities. non-rhotic adj (phonetics: having a weak r sound)无卷舌音;不发r音的 non-treated adj (unprocessed)未处理的 non-U adj UK, informal (not upper-class)不属于上流社会的,非上流社会的 non-urban adj (not in a city)非城市的The Smiths have moved to the countryside and they are enjoying their new non-urban lifestyle. non-use n (not using [sth])不使用,非使用 nonabrasive, non-abrasive adj (not abrasive)不粗鲁的;不粗野的 nonabsorbent, non-absorbent adj (not absorbent)不能吸收的;无吸收性的 nonacademic, non-academic adj (not related to school studies)非学校的;非学院的 nonacademic, non-academic adj (not scholarly in language, style)非学术性的 nonacademic, non-academic adj (vocational)非学术的;职业教育的 nonacceptance, also UK: non-acceptance n (denial, refusal)否定;反对 nonacceptance, also UK: non-acceptance n (rejection)拒绝;不接受 nonacid, non-acid adj (not acidic)非酸性的;无酸性的 nonactive, non-active adj (not active, inactive)不活跃的,不活动的;稳定性的,无放射性的 nonaddictive, non-addictive adj (not habit forming)不致瘾的;不上瘾的The patient requested non-addictive painkillers. nonadhesive, non-adhesive adj (that does not stick)不粘的;没有粘性的 nonadjacent, non-adjacent adj (not next to [sth])不相连的;不毗邻的 nonadjustable, non-adjustable adj (that cannot be adjusted)无法调整的;不能调整的 nonadministrative, non-administrative adj (not administrative)非行政性的,非管理性的;非勤务的,非后勤的 nonaggression, also UK: non-aggression n (policy of not initiating hostilities)互不侵犯政策;互不侵略政策 nonalcoholic, also UK: non-alcoholic, alcohol-free adj (not containing alcohol)不含酒精的;无醇的The recovering alcoholic asked for a non-alcoholic beer at the wedding. nonalcoholic beverage (US), non-alcoholic beverage (UK) n (drink: no alcohol)不含酒精的饮料;无醇饮料Beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages will be served. nonaligned, also UK: non-aligned adj (nation: neutral) (指国家)不结盟的,处于中立地位的 nonalignment (US), non-alignment (UK) n (political neutrality)不结盟;中立地位 nonallergic, non-allergic adj (not related to an allergy, not producing allergy)非变应性的;非过敏原的 nonallergic, non-allergic adj (not affected by allergy)不受过敏影响的;不受变应性影响的 nonappearance, also UK: non-appearance n (failure to appear)未到场;未出现 nonappearance, also UK: non-appearance n (law: failure to appear in court) (法律术语)未出庭,未到法院 nonassignable, non-assignable adj (that cannot be attributed)无法指派的;无法分配的 nonathletic, non-athletic adj (not sporty or sport-related)非运动性的;与运动无关的 nonathletic, non-athletic adj (poor at sports, not participating in sports)不擅长运动的;不参与运动的 nonattendance, also UK: non-attendance n (absence, failure to be present)未出席;缺席;不在场 nonautomotive, non-automotive adj (not related to automobiles)非汽车的;与汽车无关的 nonavailability, non-availability n (state of being unobtainable)不可获得;不可用 nonbasic, non-basic adj (not essential)非基础性的;非根本性的 nonbeliever, also UK: non-believer n (atheist)无神论者My family was disappointed when I told them that I was a nonbeliever. nonbeliever, also UK: non-believer n (non-religious person)没有信仰的人Our church welcomes nonbelievers who are open-minded. nonbelligerent, non-belligerent adj (peaceable, not warring)非敌对的;非交战的 nonbinding, non-binding adj (not compulsory by law)无法律约束力的;非法律强制的I asked for a nonbinding bid from our contractor. nonbinding agreement, non-binding agreement n (contract: cannot be enforced)无约束力的协议 nonbreakable, non-breakable adj (that cannot be broken)无法破坏的;不会破碎的;不易碎的 nonburnable, non-burnable adj (not combustible)非易燃的;不可燃的 noncaloric, non-caloric adj (having no calorific value)无热量的;低卡路里的 noncancerous, non-cancerous adj (growth, cell: not malignant)非癌症的;非恶性肿瘤的 nonchargeable, non-chargeable adj (not incurring a cost or fee)不收费的;免费的 nonclerical, non-clerical adj (not administrative)非行政的;非文书性质的 nonclerical, non-clerical adj (not related to clergy)非牧师的;非教士的 nonclinical, non-clinical adj (without direct contact with patients)不用与病人直接接触的;非临床的 nonclinical, non-clinical adj (without observable symptoms)无临床症状的 nonclinical, non-clinical adj (study: conducted before human trial) (指研究)临床前的 noncollectable, non-collectable adj (of no value to collectors)无收藏价值的;不用收藏的 noncombat, non-combat adj (not occurring during armed conflict)非战斗的;非战斗中的 noncombatant, non-combatant n (non-fighting military employee) (军队中的)非战斗人员 noncombatant, non-combatant n (civilian)平民;百姓 noncombustible, also UK: non-combustible adj (that will not burn)不可燃的;无法燃烧的The carpenter installed noncombustible gypsum board between the chimney and the wood framing. noncommercial, non-commercial adj (not aimed at selling)非商业性的 noncommissioned officer, non-commissioned officer n (military: enlisted staff member)军士;士官The non-commissioned officer led his soldiers as well as any officer could have hoped. noncommittal, non-committal adj (indecisive)态度不明确的;不表态的;不表态的I asked my boss for a raise, but he gave me a noncommittal answer. noncommunicable, non-communicable adj (that cannot be transmitted)不会传染的;不会传播的 noncompeting, non-competing adj (not competing)非竞争的 noncompetitive, non-competitive adj (not involving a contest)非竞赛性的 noncompetitive, non-competitive adj (not economically strong)不具备经济竞争力的 noncompliance, also UK: non-compliance n (disobedience) (对规章、命令等)不服从,不顺从Noncompliance will be punished by immediate termination. noncomplying, non-complying adj (not obeying a ruling or regulation)不服从的;不遵守的 noncomprehending, non-comprehending adj (not understanding)不理解的;不懂的;不明白的 nonconducting, non-conducting adj (that does not conduct electricity, etc.) (如:不导电)不传导的,绝缘的 nonconductor, non-conductor n (substance that does not conduct)绝缘体;非传导体 nonconforming, non-conforming adj (rejecting convention)不守旧的;不守成规的 nonconforming, non-conforming adj (not compliant with laws or regulations)不守法的;不守规则的 nonconformist, non-conformist adj (unconventional)不遵循传统的, 标新立异的The city of Portland lived up to its nonconformist reputation and voted against fluoridating the drinking water. nonconsecutive, non-consecutive adj (not occurring one after another)非连续的;非相继的 nonconstructive, non-constructive adj (unhelpful, harmful, destructive)没有建设性的;没有帮助的;消极的 noncontagious, non-contagious adj (not infectious)无传染性的;不传染的 noncontinuous, non-continuous adj (interrupted or intermittent)不连续的;不连贯的;断断续续的 noncontributing, non-contributing adj (not contributing)不起作用的;没有贡献的 noncontributory, non-contributory adj UK (pension, insurance policy: paid for by employer) (指退休保险、养老保险)不用雇员缴纳的,不用雇员分担的 noncontroversial, non-controversial adj (generally accepted)无争议的;公认的 nonconvertible, non-convertible adj (not convertible)不可转换的,不可转化的; (信仰等)不可改变的 noncorroding, non-corroding adj (not tending to corrode)无腐蚀性的;无侵蚀性的 noncorrosive, non-corrosive adj (substance: not harmfully acidic)无腐蚀性的;无强酸性的 noncredit, non-credit adj (not accumulating credits for study)无学分的 noncriminal, non-criminal adj (legal, lawful)无罪的;非违法的 noncritical, non-critical adj (not essential)非决定性的;非关键性的 noncrystalline, non-crystalline adj (not crystalline)非水晶的noncumulative, non-cumulative adj (not cumulative)不累积的noncustodial, non-custodial adj (not having legal custody of a child) (对孩子)无监护权的noncustodial, non-custodial adj UK (sentence: without imprisonment) (指判决)非监禁的nondairy, non-dairy adj (not containing milk)无奶的;不含奶的;非乳制的nondeductible, non-deductible adj (that cannot be deducted)不可扣除的;不可减去的nondelivery, non-delivery n (law: failure to deliver)未送达;未交付nondemocratic, non-democratic adj (not democratic)非民主的;无民主精神的nondepartmental, non-departmental adj (not part of a government department)非政府部门的;非行政机构的nondepreciating, non-depreciating adj (not going down in value)未贬值的;价值未降低的nondesirable, also UK: non-desirable adj (undesirable: not wanted)不想要的,不受欢迎的nondestructive, non-destructive adj (that causes no damage)非毁灭性的;非破坏性的nondetachable, non-detachable adj (that cannot be detached)不可拆分的;不可拆卸的nondisciplinary, non-disciplinary adj (not involving disciplinary action)非惩戒性的nondisclosure, also UK: non-disclosure n (law: withholding information) (法律术语)不公开,不泄露,不披露nondisclosure, also UK: non-disclosure adj (law: failing to reveal information) (法律)未能披露的nondiscrimination, non-discrimination n (impartiality, fairness to all)非歧视性;不歧视nondiscriminatory, non-discriminatory adj (fair, not prejudiced)非歧视性的;不歧视的nondramatic, non-dramatic adj (not theatrical)非戏剧的,与戏剧无关的;非戏剧性的nondramatic, non-dramatic adj (slight or subtle)不夸张的,不明显的,不易察觉的nondrinker, non-drinker n (teetotaller)不喝酒的人;不饮酒的人nondrying, non-drying adj (that does not dry on contact with air)非干性的noneducational, non-educational adj (not aimed at instructing or informing)非教育性的;不以教育为目的的noneffective, non-effective adj (ineffective)没有效果的;不起作用的nonelastic, non-elastic adj (material: not stretchy)没有弹性的;无弹性的nonelastic, non-elastic adj figurative (not flexible, fixed) (比喻)不灵活的,不懂变通的nonelectric, non-electric adj (not powered by electricity)非电器的;不用电的nonelectrical, non-electrical adj (not electrical)与电无关的;不用电的nonenforceable, non-enforceable adj (impossible to enforce)无法实施的;无法执行的nonequivalent, non-equivalent adj (not equal or similar)不相等的;不相当的nonessential, non-essential adj (dispensable, not necessary)非绝对必要的;非必不可少的nonessential, non-essential n ([sth] dispensable, not necessary)非必要的, 不重要的nonevent, non-event n ([sth] anticlimactic)让人失望的事;没能达到预期效果的事nonexchangeable, non-exchangeable adj (that may not be exchanged)不可交换的,不可更换的;不可兑换的nonexclusive, non-exclusive adj (inclusive, unrestricted)非独家的,非独有的,非专属的;非排他的,非排外的nonexempt, non-exempt adj (subject or liable to [sth])未被免除的;未被豁免的nonexistence (US), non-existence (UK) n (absence, lack)不存在nonexistent, non-existent adj (imaginary, that does not exist)不存在的;子虚乌有的Basic services were nonexistent in the poorer parts of the country.nonexplosive, non-explosive adj (that will not explode)非爆炸性的;不会爆炸的nonfactual, non-factual adj (fictional, fictitious)非事实的;非写实的nonfading, non-fading adj (lightfast, colourfast)不褪色的;不掉色的nonfat, non-fat adj US (fat-free: containing no fat)不含脂肪的nonfat dry milk, non-fat dry milk n US (powdered skimmed milk) (美式拼法)脱脂奶粉Nonfat dry milk is more tasty than skim milk.nonfatal, non-fatal adj (not causing death)非致命性的;不致命的nonfattening, non-fattening adj (not causing weight gain)不会引起增重的;不会增肥的nonferrous, non-ferrous adj (metal: not containing iron) (指金属)不含铁的,非铁的nonfiction, also UK: non-fiction n (factual literature)记实文学;非小说类文学作品She had read all of the author's novels but none of his nonfiction.nonfiction, also UK: non-fiction adj (literature: factual) (文学作品)非虚构的,真实的The nonfiction section of the library is upstairs.nonfictional, non-fictional adj (real-life, true)写实的;非小说性的nonflammable, non-flammable adj (that will not burn)不可燃的;不易燃的nonflowering, non-flowering adj (plant: that does not bloom or blossom) (指植物)不开花的,无花的nonfluctuating, non-fluctuating adj (steady, constant)不波动的;不起伏的nonflying, non-flying adj (animal: that does not fly) (指动物)不会飞的,非飞行的nonfood, UK: non-food n ([sth] not edible)非食物;非食用品nonfood, UK: non-food adj (relating to what is not edible)非食物的;非食用的nonfreezing, non-freezing adj (that does not freeze)不会结冰的;不会凝固的nonfulfillment (US), non-fulfillment (US), nonfulfilment (UK), non-fulfilment (UK) n (law: breach)不履行;不执行nonfunctional, non-functional adj (having no practical use)不实用的;无实用功能的nonfunctional, non-functional adj (appliance: out of order) (指家用电器等器具)出故障的,坏了的,不能工作的nongovernmental, non-governmental adj (not government-controlled)非政府性的;非政府的nongovernmental organization, also UK: non-governmental organization, non-governmental organisation, nongovernmental organisation n (activism: independent group)非政府组织They are a non-governmental organization who are attempting to change the way America views the world.nongranular, non-granular adj (not grainy)非颗粒状的;非粒状的nonhazardous, non-hazardous adj (safe, not harmful)没有危险的;无害的nonhereditary, non-hereditary adj (not inherited through genes)非遗传性的;非遗传的nonhuman, non-human adj (not belonging to homo sapiens)非人类的nonidentical, non-identical adj (not exactly alike)不完全一样的;不相同的noninclusive, non-inclusive adj (exclusive)非包含在内的nonindependent, non-independent adj (not impartial) (见解等)有偏见的,非独立的nonindependent, non-independent adj (not from outside the company or organization)非外来的;非独立第三方的nonindustrial, non-industrial adj (without highly-developed industries)非工业的;工业不发达的noninfectious, non-infectious adj (not transmitted by infection)非传染性的;不传染的noninflammatory, non-inflammatory adj (not causing irritation)不会激怒…的;不会令人恼怒的noninflammatory, non-inflammatory adj figurative (not tending to inflame or provoke) (比喻)非煽动性的,非挑衅性的noninflationary, non-inflationary adj (economy: not causing inflation) (经济学术语)不会导致通货膨胀的,不会引起通货膨胀的noninflected, non-inflected adj (language: having no cases) (语言学术语,指语言)非曲折性的,无变格的nonintellectual, non-intellectual adj (not cerebral or rational)非智力的;非理智的noninterchangeable, non-interchangeable adj (impossible to substitute one for another)不可互换的;不可交换的noninterference, non-interference n (policy of non-intervention)不干涉;不干预nonintervention, non-intervention n (non-interference in foreign affairs)不干涉;不干预nonintoxicating, non-intoxicating adj (not causing drunkenness)不醉人的;不会让人喝醉的noninvasive, non-invasive adj (surgery: not penetrating the body) (指外科手术)非侵入性的,非侵害性的noninvasive, non-invasive adj (disease: limited)非扩散的;非扩散性的nonirritating, non-irritating adj (not causing irritation)不气人的;不令人恼火的nonjudgmental, non-judgmental (US), non-judgemental (UK) adj (not morally critical)不(按照个人好恶)进行道德评判的;客观评定的nonjudicial, non-judicial adj (not relating to a legal judgement)与法庭审判无关的;与司法审判无关的nonjuror, non-juror n (person who refuses to swear an oath)拒绝宣誓效忠的人;不肯效忠者nonlegal, non-legal adj (not established by law)与法律无关的;未立法的nonlethal, non-lethal adj (not deadly)非致命的;非致死的Fortunately, the baby swallowed a non-lethal dose of that medicine.nonlinear, non-linear adj (not in a straight line) 没有提供翻译 nonlinear, non-linear adj (narrative: not straightforward)非线性的nonlinear, non-linear adj (equation: with degree higher than one) (方程)非线性的nonlinear system, non-linear system n (chaotic system of equations)非线性系统nonliterary, non-literary adj (not literary)非文学的;非文学上的nonliving, non-living adj (inanimate)无精打采的;毫无生气的nonliving, non-living adj (dead)死去的;已死的nonmagnetic, non-magnetic adj (not having magnetic properties)非磁性的;无磁性的nonmalignant, non-malignant adj (benign)非恶性的nonmaterial, non-material adj (not made of matter)非物质的nonmaterial, non-material adj (not related to riches or money)非物质的nonmember, non-member n (person or group who does not officially belong)非会员;非正式成员nonmember, non-member adj (not officially belonging)非会员的;非正式成员的nonmetal, non-metal adj (not metallic)非金属的;非金属性的nonmetal, non-metal n (chemical element without properties of a metal)非金属性化学元素;非金属元素;非金属nonmetallic, non-metallic adj (chemistry: not a metal)非金属的nonmigratory, non-migratory adj (not migrating)不迁移的;无迁移特性的nonmilitant, non-militant adj (not involving extreme activism)非激进的;不好斗的;非好战的nonmilitary, non-military adj (not involving the armed forces)非军事的;非武装的nonnarcotic, non-narcotic adj (drug: not having narcotic qualities)非麻醉性的;无麻醉性的nonnative, non-native adj (not indigenous to a place)非本地的;非当地的nonnative, non-native adj (not born to a language)非母语的nonnegotiable (US), non-negotiable (UK) adj (not open to deals)无协商余地的;无谈判余地的nonnegotiable (US), non-negotiable (UK) adj (finance: bond not for sale) (金融)不可转让的nonnuclear, non-nuclear adj (not involving nuclear power)非核能的;与核能无关的nonnuclear, non-nuclear adj (weapons: not atomic) (指武器)非核的,非原子能的nonnumerical, non-numerical adj (not numerical)非数字的;不用数字表示的nonobjective, non-objective adj (subjective)非客观的;带主观偏见的nonobjective, non-objective adj (art: non-representational) (指艺术流派)非具象派的nonobligatory, non-obligatory adj (optional)非强制性的;非必要的nonobservance, non-observance n (failure to follow: religious law, etc.) (指对宗教戒律等)不遵循,不信奉,不拥护nonobservant, non-observant adj (not following: religious law, etc.) (指对宗教戒律等)不遵循的,不信奉的,不拥护的nonoccupational, non-occupational adj (not occurring in the course of one's job)与职业无关的nonoccurrence, non-occurrence n (failure to happen)未发生;不发生nonofficial, non-official adj (unofficial, unauthorized)非官方的;非正式的nonoperational, non-operational adj (not functional, out of use)不能正常运转的;用不了了的nonoperative, non-operative adj (not involving surgery)不用手术的nonparallel, non-parallel adj (not parallel)不平行的nonparticipant, non-participant n (person who does not take part)不参与的人;未参加者nonparticipating, non-participating adj (not taking part)不参与的;不参加的nonpartisan, non-partisan adj (impartial)不偏不倚的;不偏袒的nonpartisan, non-partisan adj (without reference to political party)无党派的;不支持任何党派的nonpaying, non-paying adj (not remunerated, unpaid)未支付的;未给酬劳的nonpaying, non-paying adj (person: not having to pay)非付费的, 无需付费的nonpaying, non-paying adj (not profitable)不合算的;无利可图的nonpayment, also UK: non-payment n (failure to pay an amount)未付款;不付款nonperformance, also UK: non-performance n (failure, underachievement)表现不佳;成绩不佳nonperformance, also UK: non-performance n (law: failure to meet obligation)未履行nonperformance, also UK: non-performance adj (not related to public performance) (指音乐或戏剧等)未公开演出的nonperforming, non-performing adj (failing, underachieving)表现不佳的;成绩不佳的nonperishable, also UK: non-perishable adj (that will not spoil or decay)不会腐败的;不变质的Nonperishable food items include tinned goods, pasta, coffee, tea, and sugar.nonperson, non-person n (person regarded as having no rights, person whose existence is not acknowledged)存在不被认可的人;没有社会权利(地位)的人;被社会遗忘者nonphysical, non-physical adj (not involving the body)与身体无关的;非肉体的nonphysical, non-physical adj (cerebral, intellectual)智力的;脑力的nonpoisonous, non-poisonous adj (not toxic)非毒性的;无毒的nonpoisonous, non-poisonous adj (not venomous)不分泌毒液的,不引起中毒的;非恶毒的,无恶意的nonpolitical, non-political adj (apolitical)与政治无关的;非政治性的nonpolluting, non-polluting adj (that does not contaminate)非污染性的;不会致污的nonporous, non-porous adj (not permeable)非穿透性的;非渗透性的nonpracticing, non-practicing (US), non-practising (UK) adj (not following religious customs)不遵循宗教习俗的nonpracticing, non-practicing (US), non-practising (UK) adj (not professionally active)未从事业务的;未开业的nonprejudicial, non-prejudicial adj (not inviting pre-judgement)非预断的;不在审判前预判的nonprescription, non-prescription adj (drug: available over the counter) (指不经医生开具处方便可购买的药物)非处方的nonproductive, non-productive adj (unfruitful)无结果的;无成效的nonprofessional, non-professional adj (having amateur status)非专业性的;业余的nonprofit (US), non-profit (UK) adj (business: not run for profit) (商业等)非盈利的The nonprofit organization removes plastic from beaches.nonprofit (US), non-profit (UK) n informal (law: organization)非营利组织Although Samuel works for a nonprofit, he earns good money.nonprofit organization (US), non-profit organization, non-profit organisation (UK) n (law: no profit motive)非营利组织;非盈利组织nonprofitable, non-profitable adj (not making a profit)非赢利性的;无利润的nonproliferation, non-proliferation n (restriction on spread of weapons) (尤指核武器)防止武器扩散nonpublic, non-public adj (private)非公开的;非公共的nonpunishable, non-punishable adj (not subject to a punishment)不应惩罚的;不该处罚的nonracial, non-racial adj (unrelated to race)与种族无关的;与人种无关的nonradioactive, non-radioactive adj (not having radioactive properties)非放射性的;无放射性的nonrandom, non-random adj (not happening by chance)非随机性的;非随意的nonreactive, non-reactive adj (that does not react)不起反应的;非活性的nonreciprocal, non-reciprocal adj (not mutual)非相互的;非互惠的nonreciprocating, non-reciprocating adj (not alternating direction of motion)非摆动的;非往复运动的nonreciprocating, non-reciprocating adj (not involving mutual exchange)非互换的;无交换的nonrecognition, non-recognition n (refusal to formally acknowledge: government, country, etc)不承认;不认可nonrecourse, also UK: non-recourse adj (loan: property secured) (贷款)无追索权的nonrecoverable, non-recoverable adj (that cannot be recovered)不可恢复的;不可重新获得的nonrecurring, non-recurring adj (one-off, not repeated)不重复的;不复发的;不复现的nonredeemable, non-redeemable adj (that cannot be redeemed)不可赎回的;不可挽救的; (赠券等)不可兑现的,不可兑换成现金的nonrefillable, non-refillable adj (that cannot be refilled)不可重新注满的,不可重新填满;不可续杯的nonrefundable, non-refundable adj (that will not be reimbursed)无法偿还的;不可退还的nonreligious, non-religious adj (not associated with religion)与宗教无关的;非宗教性的nonreligious, non-religious adj (having no religious faith)无宗教信仰的;不信宗教的nonrenewable, non-renewable adj (incapable of being renewed)不可更新的;不可续借的;不可续订的nonrepresentational, non-representational adj (art: not figurative, abstract)抽象的;非具象派的nonresident, also UK: non-resident n ([sb] not living in a given place)不住在特定住所的人;走读生Non-residents do not have access to the gym or the pool.nonresident, also UK: non-resident adj (not living in a given place)不住在特定住所的;不寄宿的; (学生)走读的Non-resident students should stay in regular contact with the college via email.nonresident, also UK: non-resident adj (not requiring residency)通勤的, 走读的There are both resident and nonresident positions available.nonresidential, non-residential adj (college, course: not live-in)非寄宿的;不要求住宿的nonresidential, non-residential adj (area: not used for housing) (指地方)非居住用的,不是用来居住的nonresidential, non-residential adj (student, etc.: not residing)走读的, 不寄宿的nonresidual, non-residual adj (not leaving a residue)无剩余的;无残留的nonresistance, non-resistance n (passivity, pacifism)不抵抗;不反抗nonresistant, non-resistant adj (yielding, compliant)不抵抗的;不反抗的nonrestrictive, non-restrictive adj (not limiting)非限制性的;非约束性的nonreturnable, non-returnable adj (that cannot be returned)不可退还的;不可退的nonrhythmic, non-rhythmic adj (arrhythmical)非韵律性的;无节奏性的nonrigid, non-rigid adj (flexible)非僵硬的;非僵化的nonsalaried, non-salaried adj (paid for piecework or per hour)按小时付费的;计件的;小时工的nonscheduled, non-scheduled adj (not timetabled or planned)非定期的;无固定时间安排的nonscientific, non-scientific adj (not using scientific methods)未使用科学方法的;不科学的nonscoring, non-scoring n (sports match: with a nil-nil result) (体育比赛)没有得分的;未进球的;零比零的nonseasonal, non-seasonal adj (not relying on the season)非季节性的;不依赖季节的nonsectarian, non-sectarian adj (not restricted to one sect)不拘于一个宗派的;无派性的nonsecular, non-secular adj (religious)非世俗的;宗教性的nonsegregated, non-segregated adj (mixed: racially, etc.)非种族隔离的;非隔离的nonsensitive, non-sensitive adj (information: not confidential) (信息)非机密的,非绝密的nonsexist, non-sexist adj (not discriminating against gender)非性别歧视的nonsexual, non-sexual adj (not involving sex, asexual)无性的;非性欲的nonskid, non-skid adj (surface: not slippery) (指表面)防滑的,不滑的nonslip, non-slip adj (surface: not slippery) (指表面)防滑的,不滑的nonsmoker, also UK: non-smoker n ([sb] who does not smoke)不抽烟的人;不吸烟的人I only date non-smokers because they smell better than smokers.nonsmoking, no-smoking, also UK: non-smoking adj (area: where smoking is prohibited) (指区域)非吸烟的,禁烟的This is a nonsmoking area - please extinguish your cigarette before entering.nonsmoking, non-smoking adj (person: who does not smoke) (指人)不抽烟的,不吸烟的nonsocial, non-social adj (not social)非社会性的;不喜欢社交的;不好交际的nonsovereign, also UK: non-sovereign adj (nation: not independent)非主权的;非独立的nonspeaking, non-speaking adj (acting role: silent) (指扮演的角色)无对白的,沉默的nonspecialist, non-specialist n (layperson)非专业人士;非专家nonspecializing, non-specializing adj (not having a narrow area of expertise)非专攻的;非专业的nonspecific, non-specific adj (general, generalized)不具体的;不详尽的;非特定的nonspiritual, non-spiritual adj (physical or material)非精神上的;非心灵的nonspiritual, non-spiritual adj (person: not concerned with spiritual matters) (指人)不关心精神世界的,对宗教问题不感兴趣的nonstaining, non-staining adj (that does not leave a stain)没有弄脏的;没有弄上污迹的nonstandard, non-standard adj (not conventional or normal)非标准的;非规范化的nonstick, non-stick adj (cookware: with coated surface) (炊具)不粘(食物)的,不粘锅的Eggs are best cooked in a nonstick pan.nonstop, also UK: non-stop adj (continual)不间断的Audrey is fed up of the non-stop rain.nonstop, also UK: non-stop adj (relentless)不停的Simon's nonstop criticism is really irritating.nonstop, also UK: non-stop adj (direct, without stopping)不断的,不停歇的,无休止的;直达的,不停的Sonia took a nonstop flight from New York to Dallas.nonstop, also UK: non-stop adv (incessantly, continuously)不断地,不停歇地,无休止地;直达地,不停地Betty talked nonstop and constantly annoyed her coworkers.nonstrategic, non-strategic adj (not involving strategy)非战略的;非策略性的nonstriking, non-striking adj (not taking part in a work stoppage)非罢工的;没有参与罢工的nonstructural, non-structural adj (not relating to structure)与结构无关的;不涉及结构的nonsuccessive, non-successive adj (not sequential)不连续的;不相连的;不相继的nonsupport, non-support n (failure to pay alimony)不尽赡养义务;不提供赡养费nonsurgical, non-surgical adj (not involving surgery)无需手术的nonsustaining, non-sustaining adj (not nourishing, having an end)非持续性的,非延续性的;非滋养性的nonsympathizer, non-sympathizer n (opponent)非支持者;反对者nontarnishable, non-tarnishable adj (that cannot be tainted)不易染色的;不易沾污的nontaxable, also UK: non-taxable adj (exempt from tax)免税的;不用交税的nontechnical, non-technical adj (not mechanical or scientific)没有运用技术的nontechnical, non-technical adj (not related to technique)非技术性的nontenured, non-tenured adj (not having academic tenure) (指大学教职)非终身职位的,没有授予终身职位的nontheatrical, non-theatrical adj (not relating to the theater)与戏剧或剧院无关的nontheatrical, non-theatrical adj (film showing: not in a cinema) (指电影)非电影院上映的,不是在电影院上映的nonthinking, non-thinking adj (mindless)不喜欢思考的;懒得动脑子的nonthreatening, non-threatening adj (not aggressive)非恐吓性的;非威胁性的nonthreatening, non-threatening adj (not dangerous or harmful)没有危害的;没有危险的nontoxic, non-toxic adj (not poisonous)无毒的;非毒性的nontraditional, non-traditional adj (not conventional)非传统的;与风俗习惯不一致的nontransferable, non-transferable adj (not applicable in other contexts)不适用于其他语境下的;在其他条件下不适用的nontransferable, non-transferable adj (that cannot legally be transmitted)(法律规定)不可转让的nontransparent, non-transparent adj (opaque, not see-through)非透明的,不透明的nontransparent, non-transparent adj figurative (not open to scrutiny)非公开的,不透明的nontropical, non-tropical adj (not tropical)非热带的;不是热带的nonuniform, non-uniform adj (irregular, not consistent)非统一的;非一致的nonunion, non-union adj (person: not belonging to a labour union) (指人)不属于工会的,未加入工会的nonunion, non-union adj (not dealing with a labour union)与工会无关的;不涉及工会的nonuser, non-user n (person who abstains from [sth])弃权者;放弃不用者nonvenomous, non-venomous adj (snake, etc.: not poisonous) (指蛇等)无毒的,不分泌毒液的nonverbal, non-verbal adj (unspoken, not involving words)非口头的;非言辞的nonverbal communication, non-verbal communication n (gesture and facial expression)非语言表达;非语言交流You can often tell from nonverbal communication if someone is lying.nonviable, non-viable adj (not feasible or practicable)不切实际的;不可行的nonviable, non-viable adj (foetus: incapable of surviving) (胎儿)无法存活的,无法生存的nonviolence, non-violence n (pacifism)非暴力;非暴力主义nonviolent, non-violent adj (peaceable, not involving force)非暴力的;不暴力的nonviolent protest, non-violent protest n (peaceful demonstration of opposition)非暴力抗议;和平抗议Non-violent protest will win over the government.nonviolent resistance, non-violent resistance n (passive resistance, peaceful protest)非暴力抵抗;和平抵抗Gandhi was a famous practitioner of non-violent resistance.nonvirulent, non-virulent adj (not contagious or fast-spreading)非恶性的,非致命的nonvocal, non-vocal adj (not involving the voice)非发声的;无声的nonvocational, non-vocational adj (education: not for a specific job) (教育)非职业训练型的,非为某职业做准备的nonvolatile, non-volatile adj (chemistry: not evaporating) (化学术语)不挥发的,非挥发性的nonvolatile, non-volatile adj figurative (not changeable)不易变的;不善变的nonvoter, non-voter n (person who does not vote)放弃投票权者;不投票者nonvoting, non-voting adj (who does not cast a vote)未投票的;不投票的nonwhite, non-white adj (of ethnic origin other than white)非白种人的nonworking, non-working adj (without paid employment)没工作的;失业的nonworking, non-working adj (not functioning properly)运转不正常的;出问题了的nonyielding, non-yielding adj (resistant)不屈服的persona non grata n ([sb] unwelcome)不受欢迎的人After making a pass at his host's wife, John was persona non grata in the Smith household.sine qua non n formal, Latin (prerequisite)必要条件Talent is the sine qua non of becoming a professional 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