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词汇 have it
释义 have it
have it发音

答应; 声称; 听到消息; 找到答案



have at───攻击;打击

have in───贮存

I have it───我有

have pity───可怜

have got───拥有

have out───讨论或争论得出结论,邀请出去

cane it───抓住它

have on───穿着;戴着;有事在手头上;使上钩

have up───把某人请来作客;起诉


I'll have it done by tomorrow.───我将于明天之前让人做完这件事。

Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.--Dale Carnegie───请记住,幸福不在于你是谁或者你拥有什么,而仅仅取决于你的心态!

Whoever wants the book may have it.───谁想要这本书都可以拿.

As luck would have it, I was out when he called.───不巧得很, 他来访时我正好外出了.

Don't use that language to me! I won't have it!───别跟我说那种话! 我不许你那样!

As chance would have it they caught the last bus.───他们凑巧能赶上最后一趟车.

Make up your mind, you can't have it both ways.───你决定吧,反正鱼与熊掌不可兼得。

You can have it for a tenner.───你出十英镑,这就归你了。

What will you have? It's my shout today.───你要喝 什么 ?今天我请客.

As luck would have it, he had just left when I arrived.───我到那儿, 不巧他刚走.

You've damaged my bicycle. You shan't have it again.───你把我的自行车弄坏了. 你别想再用了.

As luck would have it , he was away that day.───他偏巧那天不在.

All right then, have it your way. Be like that.───那好吧,随你的便。就那样吧。

When the senators vote, the ayes will have it.───参议员投票时, 投赞成票的人将占多数.

You can have it, but it'll cost you a bundle.───你可以买下它,不过你要花一大笔钱。

Well, you can't have it, so there!───好啦,不给你了,就是这样!

Rumors have it that the school was burned down.───有谣言说学校给烧掉了.


Okay, okay, have it your way.

Hold fast when you have it

Let me have it back soon.

One cannot eat one's cake and have it

Eat one's cake and have it

You can't eat your cake and have it also.

You can have it for a trial period .

You can't eat your cake and have it

Whoever wants the book may have it.

  • have some
  • have a bad cold
  • have you in my life
  • have luch
  • have a big
  • have you got
  • havea goodtime
  • have learnt
  • havesome eggs
  • have prepared
  • have confidence in
  • have seen
  • have to do with
  • have a bath
  • have lucky
  • have an accident
  • have booked
  • have a s
  • have no school
  • have a trip
  • have please




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