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词汇 M
释义 MUK:*'M', 'm': /ˈɛm/US:'M', 'm': /ɛm/ ,'M', 'm': (em)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Australian:Jamaican: See also: m主要翻译 M, m n (13th letter of alphabet)[字母表上的第13个字母]I couldn't tell whether you said M or N. M n abbreviation (male) (缩写)男性;男人Put 'M' in the box next to 'Sex'. 复合形式:M | m a.m., am, A.M., AM adv initialism (antemeridian: in the morning) (正午12时之前)早上,上午,午前,中午之前You have a 9:30 a.m. appointment with the doctor.This nightclub is open until 3 am. BM, B.M., MB n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Medicine) (首字母缩略语)医学学士学位 BM, B.M., BMus n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Music) (首字母缩略语)音乐学士学位 BM, B.M. n initialism (British Museum)大英博物馆 emf, EMF, E.M.F., e.m.f. n initialism (electromagnetic field)电磁场 emf, EMF, E.M.F., e.m.f. n initialism (electromotive force)电动势 H.M.S., HMS n UK, initialism (Her Majesty's Ship) (女王)陛下之舰备注: "H.M.S." is used in the name of a naval ship. H.M.S., HMS n UK, initialism (His Majesty's Ship) (国王)陛下之舰备注: "H.M.S." is used in the name of a naval ship. LL.M., LLM, M.L. n initialism (degree: Master of Law)法学硕士学位 LL.M., LLM, M.L. n initialism (holder of a law degree)法学硕士 MA, M.A. n initialism (degree: Master of Arts)文学硕士学位She received her MA in literature in 1997. MA, M.A. n initialism (holder of Master of Arts degree) (首字母缩略)文学硕士;持文学硕士学位者 Master of Law, Master of Laws n (postgraduate legal degree)法学硕士,法律硕士Michael has a Master of Law from McGill University. Master of Law, Master of Laws n (holder of postgraduate legal degree)法学硕士;法律硕士 MEd, M.Ed. n initialism (degree: Master of Education)教育学硕士 MO, M.O., mo, m.o. n informal, initialism (modus operandi: criminal's methods)犯罪手法;作案手法 MO, M.O., mo, m.o. n informal, initialism (modus operandi: style)做法;犯罪手法 MO, M.O., mo, m.o. n initialism (money order)汇票;汇款单 MO, M.O., mo, m.o. n initialism (mail order)邮购;邮购订单 MPhil, M Phil, M. Phil. n abbreviation (degree: Master of Philosophy) (学位)哲学硕士 MPhil, M Phil, M. Phil. n abbreviation (holder of Master of Philosophy degree)哲学硕士;持哲学硕士学位的人 MS, M.S., MSc., M.Sc. n initialism (degree: Master of Science) (学位)理学硕士, 科学硕士It took me two years to finish my MSc. MS, M.S., MSc., M.Sc. n initialism (holder of Master of Science degree) (头衔)理学硕士John Smith, MSc., will be awarded for his outstanding achievements in biomedical science. MVP, M.V.P. n (sports: most valuable player) (体育)最有价值选手 OHMS, O.H.M.S. expr written, initialism (On His/Her Majesty's Service) (书面首字母缩略语)为英王陛下效劳 p.m., pm, P.M., PM adv initialism (post meridiem: in the afternoon)下午,午后I'll pick you up at 4 p.m. p.m., pm, P.M., PM adv initialism (post meridiem: in the evening)下午I like to be in bed by 9.30 PM. this p.m., this pm, this P.M., this PM adv informal (this afternoon)今天下午Let's take a walk in the park this p.m. this p.m., this pm, this P.M., this PM adv informal (this evening)今天晚上I'll meet you at the bar this p.m.




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