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词汇 asian stock markets
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stock markets───股票市场

stock market───股票市场;证券市场;股票交易

black markets───黑市;黑市交易

single markets───单一市场(尤其指免关税的欧洲市场);统一市场

be on the market───被供应出售

black market───黑市;黑市交易



The combination of bright news drove Asian stock markets higher Tuesday, with Japan's Nikkei 225 index rising 0.6%, while the benchmark indexes in Hong Kong and Shanghai rose by 0.5% and 0.2%.───这些前景看涨的好消息共同推动了亚洲股市周二的上涨行情。 其中,日经225指数上涨0.6%,而香港和上海的基准指数分别上涨了0.5%和0.2%。

Joshua Felman, assistant director of the IMF's Asia and Pacific department, cast doubt on a "green shoots" theory that has helped to bolster Asian stock markets.───IMF亚太区助理干事乔舒亚·费尔曼(Joshua Felman)的上述言论,对近来帮助提振了亚洲股市的“萌芽”理论提出了质疑。

Asian stock markets have risen for a second consecutive day on optimism that government rescue efforts will heal the stricken global financial system.───亚洲证券市场连续第二天股市上扬。投资者乐观地认为,各国政府的救市努力将挽救处于病态的全球金融体系。

Some major Asian stock markets edged downward Tuesday morning as swine flu fears continued to hit stocks across the globe.───正当猪流感恐慌冲击全球股市同时,周二早盘亚洲一些主要股市走低。

Asian stock markets, despite a recent rally, have tumbled in recent months on concerns over the state of the U. S. economy.───虽然亚洲股票市场近期也有反弹,但几个月内受美国经济的影响总体走势很不平稳。

Asian stock markets fell along with those in the rest of the world, but the region's economies continued to power ahead.───虽然亚洲的股票市场与世界其它地方的股票市场一齐下跌,但是,亚太地区的经济始终保持着活力。

Asian stock markets had a strong, if volatile, year with China leading the pack as investors bet on the region's continued growth prospects.───尽管有些波动,由中国引领的亚洲股票市场过去一年持续走强,投资者都看好这一地区经济增长前景,都持乐观态度。

Asian stock markets have continued to rally after strong gains in the US and Europe on Monday.───本周一美国与欧盟的会谈使亚洲股市行情持续好转。

Record falls in Asian stock markets show that confidence, or the lack of it, knows no borders in a globalised world.───亚洲证券市场创纪录的下跌显示:信心,或信心的缺乏,在一个全球化的世界里是可以互相影响的。


Most Asian stock markets closed higher, despite the consolidation after the Nikkei Index fell 0.4 %.

TheA deep sense of gloom has again descended over Asian stock markets.

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