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词汇 leave
释义 leaveUK:*/ˈliːv/US:/liv/ ,(lēv)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 leave vi (depart)离开;离去;走了Is John here? No, he's already left.约翰在这儿吗?不在,他已经走了。 leave [sth] vtr (go away: from a place)离开;离去;从…出发I'm going to leave this town at three o'clock today.我今天三点钟出镇。 leave [sb/sth] vtr (abandon)抛弃;扔掉;抛开不顾He left his wife at home, and went out with his friends on Friday night.礼拜五晚上,他把妻子扔在家里,自己和朋友出去了。 leave [sth] vtr (let remain)留下;留给I enjoyed my meal, but left some of the potatoes as I was feeling rather full.我喜欢这顿饭,但因为吃饱了,所以土豆剩下了一些。 leave [sth] for [sb] vtr + prep (let remain: for [sb] else)为…剩下;为…留He left only one piece of pizza for the others.他只为其他人留了一块披萨。 leave [sb] [sth] vtr (let [sb] keep, take)把…留给Leave me your number in case I need to get in touch.把你的电话号码留给我吧,以防我要联系你。 leave [sth] with [sb] vtr + prep (entrust)将..交托给;将...委托;将...托付给Can I leave my keys with you in case something happens?我能把钥匙交给你吗?以防万一。 leave [sth] vtr (forget to bring)忘记, 忘掉, 把…落下Oh, no. I left the present at home.哦,天,我把礼物忘在家里了。 leave [sth] vtr (not bring)留下;不带走I've left the keys on the kitchen table in case you want to go out.我把钥匙留在厨房的桌子上了,以防你想要外出。 其他翻译 leave n (permission to act)许可;准许The commander gave the soldier leave to manage the situation as he wanted.指挥官准许士兵凭自己的意愿处理局势。 leave to do [sth] n (permission for absence)准假;休假做某事My boss gave me leave to study for three months.老板给我准了三个月的假,让我去进修。 leave n (permitted absence)假;假期;休假I will be on leave until August the fifteenth.我要休假了,8月15日回来。 leave n (period of absence)休假时间;假期He has two weeks' leave in the summer. leave vi (grow leaves)长叶子Many trees leave in the spring, as the weather gets warmer. leave [sth] vtr (remainder) (数学:减法)剩,剩余Five minus three leaves two. leave [sb] [sth] vtr (have remaining)给...剩下;把...留给The coat cost thirty-five dollars and the shoes cost twenty, so that leaves us only five dollars. leave [sth] vtr (deposit, give)把…留在;留下;将…留给He left his phone number on the answering machine. leave [sth] to [sb] vtr + prep (bequeath)将...遗赠给;将…作为遗物留给In his will, her father left her the antique clock. leave [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (have remaining)给…剩下If you take that twenty-pound note, you'll leave me with less than five pounds.如果你拿走了那张20镑的钞票,我就只剩下不到五磅了。 动词短语 leave [sth/sb] behind vtr phrasal sep (fail to bring)拉下;忘带It wasn't until I got to the airport that I found I had left my passport behind.等到了机场,我才发现没带护照。 leave [sb/sth] behind vtr phrasal sep (get ahead of)超过;把…抛在后面The sprinter from Nigeria left all the other runners behind.尼日利亚的短跑运动员把所有的其他运动员都甩在了后面。 leave [sb] behind vtr phrasal sep figurative (perform better) (比喻)超过,超越,把…落在后面From a very early age, Joseph has always left his peers behind.从很小的时候起,约瑟夫便总是将同龄人甩在身后。 leave [sth/sb] behind vtr phrasal sep (shed, escape [sth/sb] unwanted)摆脱;逃脱;逃离Brian has a good job now and has left his days of poverty behind him.现在布莱恩有了一份好工作,摆脱了贫困的日子。 leave off vi phrasal informal (stop doing [sth])停止Maisie's brother was taunting her about her new glasses, so she told him to leave off.梅齐的兄弟嘲笑她的新眼镜,她让他住嘴。 leave [sb] out vtr phrasal sep (person: exclude)把…排除在外;不包括All the other children were invited to the party, but I was left out.所有其他的孩子都被邀请参加派对,唯独我被排除在外。 leave [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (omit)落下;遗漏The bread did not rise because I left out the yeast by mistake.面包没有发起来,因为我漏放了酵母。 复合形式: absent without leave adj (soldier: missing)不请假外出;擅离职守He refused to go back to base after his home leave, so he was declared absent without leave. absent without leave adv (soldier: missing)擅离职守地 administrative leave (time off work)行政休假 annual leave n UK (time allowed off work in a year)年休假I have got 22 days of annual leave this year. annual leave n US (paid vacation from work)带薪年假 compassionate leave n (time off work for personal reasons) (尤指亲人去世)私事假 family leave n (to care for baby or [sb] ill)家事假 gardening leave, garden leave n UK: figurative (time off before end of contract)离职前带薪假期 go on leave v expr (be absent from job)休假The soldier will go on leave next week to visit his family. leave a tip v expr (give gratuity for service)付小费;给小费 leave [sb/sth] alone, leave [sb/sth] well enough alone vtr + adj (not disturb)让…独自呆着;别去打扰I just want to be left alone to get on with my novel. leave [sb/sth] alone, leave [sb/sth] well enough alone vtr + adj (stop harassing)停止骚扰She wished that the man beside her at the bar would leave her alone. leave [sth] alone vtr + adj (stop fiddling with [sth])不管;不理 leave [sth] aside vtr + prep figurative (exclude)暂不考虑Leaving aside the two sunflowers, her garden did not have any flowers. leave [sb] be v expr informal (not disturb)别干涉;别理Leave him be. leave [sth] be v expr (stop fussing over [sth])别大惊小怪的了;别小题大做的了Your hair looks fine as it is; just leave it be! leave for vtr + prep (depart)离开前往Soon high school graduates will leave for college. leave [sb] hanging v expr (leave in suspense)给...悬念The ending of that show was so exciting; I can't believe the writers left us hanging like that! leave [sb] hanging v expr (not respond)没有理会;对...没有反应I tried to make up with Paul, but when I stuck out my hand to shake his, he just left me hanging. leave [sb] high and dry v expr often passive (person: abandon)抛弃... leave [sth] high and dry v expr often passive (ship: ground, beach) (船)让…搁浅The fishing boats were left high and dry when the tide went out. leave home v expr (move out of family house)离家She left home at 17 to go to university in another province. leave [sth] in, leave in [sth] vtr + adv (let [sth] remain)留下,留着Leave that sentence in; I think it's good. leave [sb] in the lurch v expr informal (abandon)放弃;抛弃 leave me alone interj (go away)走开;不要打扰我Stop picking on me! Just leave me alone! leave much to be desired v expr (be inadequate)还有很多待改进的余地Your table manners leave much to be desired.The house was cute on the outside, but inside left much to be desired. leave no stone unturned v expr figurative (search thoroughly)想尽办法In the investigation to find the missing child, the police have left no stone unturned. leave of absence n (permission for time off)准假;事假My company granted me a leave of absence to care for my father.我的公司准了我的事假,让我去照顾父亲。 leave of absence n (time off)假期I took a four-month leave of absence to travel. leave off doing [sth] v expr informal (stop doing [sth]) (非正式用语)使停止The mother told her son to leave off ripping the pages out of the book.母亲让儿子别再撕书了。 Leave off! interj UK, informal (stop)停止Leave off, mate! You're starting to annoy me.停下来,伙计!你开始让我觉得烦躁。 Leave off! interj UK, informal (You must be joking!)别捣乱!;别烦人! leave [sb] out in the cold v expr figurative, often passive (neglect, ignore)忽视;无视 leave over interj slang, UK (expressing disbelief) (感叹词)行了,算了Leave over - you're having me on! leave the country v expr (go abroad, go overseas)离开本国;出国I left the country five years ago when I moved to Spain. leave the door open for [sb/sth], leave the door open to [sth/sb] v expr figurative (allow possibility, access)为…保留可能性When the reigning gold medalist fell, she left the door open for her competitors.By not completely cutting ties with the country's former allies, the prime minister is leaving the door open for negotiations to be resumed in the future. leave the ground v expr (aircraft, bird: take off)离开地面;起飞My flight was at 5:00, but we didn't leave the ground until 6:30. leave the ground v expr figurative (plan: succeed, be put in action) (比喻)开始实施Without financing their plans would never leave the ground. leave the nest v expr (bird: reach maturity) (鸟)离巢Most birds leave the nest once they are able to fly confidently. leave the nest v expr figurative (person: leave one's parents' home) (比喻)离巢;儿女离开父母家独立生活The kids have finally left the nest and now it's just the two of us. leave the scene of v expr (flee the location of: accident or crime)离开…的现场The hit-and-run driver was charged with leaving the scene of the accident. leave to amend [sth] n (permission to alter: a plea, etc.) (请求等)允许修改 leave [sb] to his/her/their own devices v expr (not supervise [sb])放任;听任 leave your mark on [sth/sb] v expr figurative (make an impact)打下烙印;留下影响Parents leave their mark on their children. leave-taking n (excusing yourself and leaving)告辞,告别 make a lasting impression on [sb], leave a lasting impression v expr (have enduring impact)给...留下深刻印象 maternity leave n (time off work for a new mother)产假Temps often provide cover while a full-time employee is on maternity leave.临时工常会在正式员工休产假的时候进行代班。 on leave adv (taking time off)在休假;在度假I'll be on leave for the next two weeks.My husband is on leave from work indefinitely because he broke his leg last weekend. on sabbatical leave adv (on a year's paid/unpaid break)公休;带薪休假 paid leave n (being paid while absent)带薪休假 parental leave n (time off work for a parent)产假,陪产假 paternity leave n (time off work for a new father)陪产假 shore leave n (permission for sailor to spend time on shore) (船员的)上岸假All the crew will be given 48 hours' shore leave in Dover. shore leave n (time sailor spends on shore) (船员的)上岸假期When sailors are on shore leave, the bars in port make large profits. sick leave, also UK: sickness leave n (time off work for illness)病假Freddy's teacher has been on sick leave for three weeks or more.弗雷迪的老师已经休了三周或者更久的病假了。 study leave n (sabbatical)进修假 take leave, take leave of [sb/sth] expr (go away from [sb/sth])向…告别 take your leave v expr (go away)离开




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