amazing thing───太神奇了
amazing ability───惊人的能力
amazing journey───奇妙的旅程
prevailing view───盛行的观点.;普遍的观点
;eathtaking view───令人叹为观止的景色amazing───adj.令人惊异的;v.使吃惊(amaze的ing形式)
blazing fire───烈火
glazing over───(指眼睛)呆滞
So amazing view here.───这儿的景色真的是棒极了!
The corner room has amazing view!───转角的房间景色非常美!
With its amazing view and keen "insight", is constantly uncover the mysteries of the universe.───凭借其惊人的视野与敏锐的“洞察力”,正不断揭开宇宙的奥秘。
To her left about a mile distant was the old hill top fort which she knew gave a really amazing view down into the Wylye valley.───在她左边约一英里处的山上,是高耸的旧城堡。这无疑给Vyle河谷增添了更迷人的色彩。
With its amazing view and keen "insight" , is constantly uncover the mysteries of the universe .───凭借其惊人的视野与敏锐的“洞察力”,正不断揭开宇宙的奥秘。
Caught an amazing view and took a nice picture but I don't know who I can share it with.───看到好看的风景,拍到好看的照片,却不知道要和谁分享。
Everyone can enjoy the amazing view of North and South America, some big cities and landmarks also can be spied.───所有的人都能通过影片欣赏到北美和南美壮观的景象,还可以在视频中找出很多大的城市与地标。
Enjoy an amazing view from the Sky Tower.───从天空塔欣赏令人惊异的景色。
with the great schools and the amazing view. . .───伴随着大学校和这美妙的风景……
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. Edward Abbey
- amazing beauty
- amazingly comfortable girl
- amazingly meaning