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词汇 lazy
释义 lazyUK:*/ˈleɪzi/US:/ˈleɪzi/ ,(lā′zē)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 lazy adj ([sb]: does little)懒惰的;懒散的He is smart, but lazy.他很聪明,但却懒散。 lazy adj figurative (slow)缓慢的;迟缓的The lazy river flowed slowly.慵懒的河缓慢地流动。 lazy adj (job: sloppy)马虎的;粗枝大叶的He did a lazy job on his essay. He didn't even review it for spelling mistakes.他的论文写得很马虎,都没有检查拼写错误。 lazy adj (encouraging idleness)让人慵懒的;令人懒散的It was such a lazy summer afternoon that nobody wanted to work.真是个令人懒散的夏日午后,没有人想要工作。 其他翻译 lazy adj (sloppy, loose)宽松的;松垮的He had a lazy way of dressing and never tucked in his shirt. lazy vi rare (laze)悠闲地消磨时间We ate our picnic and spent the afternoon lazying on the riverbank. 复合形式: bone lazy (US), bone idle (UK) adj informal (does nothing)懒透顶的;懒到骨子里的Jake does nothing around the house -- he's bone idle! lazy eye n informal (squint, inability to focus) (非正式用语)斜视,斜视症 lazy eye n formal (amblyopia, dim vision in apparently normal eye) (正式用语)弱视Children with a lazy eye have to wear an eye patch. lazy person n ([sb] who is idle)懒人Clive's teachers often described him as a lazy person. lazy Susan n (revolving tray for food)餐桌转盘 lazy-ass adj US, slang, vulgar (idle)懒惰的That guy is just a lazy-ass drunk, not a good employee.




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