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词汇 gravitational force
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gravitational forces───万有引力,地心引力;重力

gravitational field───[力]引力场,[地物]重力场

gravitational wave───[相对][天]引力波;[物]重力波

gravitational fields───[力]引力场,[地物]重力场

gravitational lenses───重力透镜

gravitational masses───[物]引力质量

gravitational lens───引力透镜


In his monumental work begun in 1666 , Newton discovered three vital facts about the gravitational force.───牛顿在他开始于一六六六年的不朽的工作中,发现了有关万有引力的三个极其重要的事实.

There is a gravitational force.───有一个重力作用。

force, gravitational force, falls off as one over r squared.───力,重力,随着r的平方而减少。

A gibbon is better adapted than a man for life in a low gravitational force.───长臂猿比人更能适应在低重力场中生活.

This force is made up of tire, aerodynamic and gravitational force components.───这支部队是由轮胎, 空气动力,重力分力.

Newton's problem was to express in mathematical terms the gravitational force between different bodies.───牛顿的目标是要用数学形式来表示不同物体之间的引力.

The discovery of the repulsive, anti - gravitational force of dark energy is explained.───的丑恶, 发现 抗 暗能量的引力解释.

Earth's gravitational force or pull keeps us and everything else Earth from floating away to space.───地球的引力或拉力,使我们和地球上别的任何东西都不致漂浮到空间中.

And now we're going to multiply that by the gravitational force constant.───我们现在把这个结果,和重力常量相乘。


He discovers suddenly, tellurian gravitational force is very large, let him besides cannot flicker flicker ground flies besides, also do not have even the friend a few.

If there is less than a certain amount, the gravitational force will be insufficient to stop a never-ending expansion.

The sun uses brute gravitational force to achieve fusion reaction.

The discovery of the repulsive, anti - gravitational force of dark energy is explained.

He would be torn apart by the difference between the gravitational force on his head and his feet.

The split rock is slow to fall, the gravitational force being lower and the angle of fall correspondingly sharper.

Earth's gravitational force or pull keeps us and everything else Earth from floating away to space.

Try and work out the gravitational force between two objects in terms of a quantum graviton, however, and you quickly run into trouble—the answer to every calculation is infinity.

Weight is the gravitational force of attraction exerted on a body.

  • gravitational constant
  • gravitational force




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