barnet fair───儿童集市
craft fair───手工艺品展销
art paper───[纸]铜版纸;美术纸
barnet fairs───婴儿集市
craft fairs───手工艺品展销
art epic───艺术史诗
art film───艺术电影;艺术片
art form───艺术形式(尤指文学,绘画,音乐,民歌等)
is the kind of original speciality that shows the Maastricht art fair at its best.───马斯特里赫特艺术博览会展示的正是这种原始特性。
The majority shareholder, Bologna Fiere, runs the leading art fair in Italy.───大股东博洛尼亚·菲尔经营着意大利领先的艺术博览会。
DOES the world need another international art fair?───上是否需要又一个国际艺术展览会?
Eight years later, he founded the Free Art Fair, a week-long event at the end of which all the artworks are given away.───8年后他建立了自由艺术集市集市会持续一周在最后一天所有的艺术品都会被送出。
MrJanssens, the chairman of the Maastricht art fair, had an exquisite show of lacquerware, most of it layered tixi lacquer in black and red.───Maastricht艺术集市的主席Janssens先生则举办了一场精美的漆器展,多数展品为红黑剔犀漆器。
Attracting new customers is also the main reason why dealers signed up for the VIP art fair.───吸引新客户亦是交易商参加VIP艺术博览会的主要原因。
In 1999 four dealer-organisers of an annual contemporary art fair resurrected the name.───1999年,另一现代艺术博览会的四个交易商兼主办人决定沿用“军械库”的名称。
Final explanation right belongs to the Organizing Committee of China International Decorating Art Fair if there is an adjustment of booths.───展位情况如有调整,最终解释权归属中国国际装饰艺术博览会组委会。
"Basel will change the quality of the art fair, " says Xin Li, Asia business development director at Christie's.───巴塞尔(Basel)将改变艺术博览会质量,与佳士得(Christie)市场份额同步。
In April 2004 Galleria Continua participated in the first contemporary art fair in Beijing.
Hong Kong's four-year-old art fair, Art HK, has just sold a 60% stake to MCH Group, parent company of the world's pre-eminent contemporary art fair, Art Basel.
Now in its seventh year, the Los Angeles contemporary art fair will take place from 3 to 6 December.
An art work titled "untitled (Cosmic Bust Man)" by artist Tom Friedman of the U. S is seen on display at Hong Kong International Art Fair May 25, 2011.
London has just hosted the annual Frieze Art Fair, which has become synonymous with the big-spending rich and super-rich as they pay astronomic sums for choice paintings and sculptures.
NEWSWEEK and Credit Suisse co-hosted a preview dinner for the project at the Art Basel art fair this year.
In 1969, the Woodstock Music and Art Fair opened in upstate New York.
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