

词汇 got along
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get along───(勉强)生活;进展;(使)前进;与…和睦相处

go along───进行;支持;前进;赞同

gets along───(勉强)生活;进展;(使)前进;与…和睦相处

goes along───进行;支持;前进;赞同

gone along───进行;支持;前进;赞同

bat along───快走

cut along───快去

go long───买进;多头

gotten along───(勉强)生活;进展;(使)前进;与…和睦相处


The drunk man got along with the help of his two companions.───那个醉汉由两个同伴扶着向前走.

He wondered how all these other lodging - house people around him got along.───他想知道他周围这些住在寄宿处的其他人都是怎么过活的.

Co-star Humphrey Bogart was dismissive of her, but William Holden and she got along famously — very famously.───共同主演的亨弗莱·鲍嘉轻视她,但是威廉·霍尔登和赫本相处地非常好。

Listen, me and you always got along. I'm grateful. Understand? "───你听我说, 我同你一直相处得很好, 我很感激你, 懂 吗 ? ”

A: Have you got along with your brother good?───你曾经和你弟弟关系处得好 吗 ?

Hearn, we got along pretty well, so don't cream it for me.───候恩, 咱们两个一向相处得满不错, 你可别给我去随便乱说.

If you got along so well together, why did you leave each other?───如果你们彼此相处很好, 为什么要离开对方 呢 ?

I got along wonderfully with Mr. Honda.───我同本田先生的交道打得很不错.

Pug got along well with Burne - Wilke , who had fully grasped the landing craft problem.───伯恩威尔克已经充分地掌握了“登陆艇”这个问题,帕格同他合作得很好.

He really enjoyed the new environment and got along with his classmates.───他真的很喜欢这个新环境,而且跟他同学都处得很好.

While the students came from different countries, they got along quite well in the summer camp.───虽然学生们来自不同的国家,但他们在夏令营中相处得很好。

She got along with the new school classmates quite well.───她在新学校和同学相处得很好.

I got along fine with Crim , but he was a little stuffy.───我和克里姆相处很好, 但他的脾气有点躁.

We got along rather well.───我们相处得相当融洽。

grandfather now asked Peter how he got along in school.───爷爷问彼得在学校里过得怎么样。

I got along well with my mother in law.───我和岳母(婆婆)相处得不错.

After having settled down here, got along well with his neighbours.───李明在这里定居后, 和邻居们相处的很好.

The drunk man got along with the help of two companions.───那个醉汉在两个同伴帮助下往前走.


We got along famously.

Everyone got along well, and the scripts flowed easily.

My father and I got along very well, having very similar temperaments.

The girls at the school remarked on how well the beasts got along.

We got along with for three years, have no crannied three years, perhaps would also forever of three year.

Pug got along well with Burne - Wilke , who had fully grasped the landing craft problem.

We should have Snoopy got along with his mother three months.

We got along, all that time.

We've always got along quite well.

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