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词汇 gas
释义 gasUK:*/ˈgæs/US:/gæs/ ,(gas)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 gas n (chemical vapor)气体The volcano emitted a lot of poisonous gas.火山喷发出许多有毒的气体。 gas n (fuel for cooking, heating)燃气;煤气;天然气Erin bought a container of gas for the camp stove.艾琳买了一罐野营炉灶用的天然气。usage: ‘gas’In British and American English, the air-like substance that burns easily and that is used for cooking and heating is called gas. In American English, the liquid that is used as fuel for vehicles is also called gas, or gasoline.I'm sorry I'm late. I had to stop for gas. gas n US, colloquial, abbreviation (gasoline: petrol)汽油;燃油John put some twenty dollars' worth of gas into his truck.约翰给自己的车加了二十美元的汽油。 gas n US, informal (wind: fart, flatulence)屁Jack passed gas in class by accident.杰克不小心在班里放了一个屁。 gas n US (wind: intestinal gas pains) (胃肠)胀气Erin had terrible gas that kept her up all night.艾琳肠胃胀气严重,一晚上都睡不着觉。 the gas n US, informal (accelerator) (汽车等的)油门,加速器The driver stepped on the gas and passed the truck.司机踩下油门,超过了那辆卡车。 其他翻译 a gas n dated, slang ([sth] funny or fun)好笑的;让人捧腹的Joe's party was a gas. You should have come!乔的聚会很有趣。你应该来! gas vi slang (chat, talk at length)说废话;闲聊天Stop gassing and get back to work! gas [sb] vtr (kill with fumes)用毒气杀死The despot gassed his political enemies. gas [sth] vtr (singe fibers)用气体处理;用气体熨烫Fred gassed the fibers off the cloth. gas [sb] vtr (attack with gas)对...施放毒气The enemy gassed our troops. 动词短语 gas up vi phrasal US, informal (fill a vehicle's petrol tank) (给车)加汽油,加油Tom stopped at the gas station to gas up. gas [sth] up, gas up [sth] vtr phrasal sep US, informal (vehicle: fill tank with petrol)给...加汽油,给…加油; (马来西亚,新加坡)为(汽车)添油,为(汽车)打油Anne gassed her car up on her way to work. 复合形式: coal gas n (fuel used for light and heat)煤气 coal gas n (gas made by burning coal)煤成气;煤制气 dittany, gas plant, burning bush, fraxinella n (aromatic herb) (芳香草本植物)白鲜 exhaust, exhaust gas n (vehicle: gases) (车辆的)尾气;废气The exhaust from the car in front was so smelly, Linda had to close her car windows.前面汽车排放的尾气非常难闻,琳达只好关上车窗。 fill up with gas (US), fill up with petrol (UK) v expr informal (petrol tank: fill)加满油Make sure you fill up with petrol before we get to the motorway. fuel gas n (gas burned to generate power)燃气 gas tank (US), petrol tank (UK), fuel tank n (vehicle's petrol storage container)油箱An explosion may occur if the fuel tank ruptures. gas attack n (uses poisonous gas)毒气攻击;毒气袭击The soldiers are trained to use gas masks in case of a gas attack. gas burner n (gas jet on stove)煤气炉;煤气灯;煤气喷嘴I prefer to cook on a stove with a gas burner. gas chamber n (execution room) (纳粹)毒气室,毒气行刑室Means of execution include the gas chamber and electric chair. gas company n (public company selling gas)煤气公司The gas company raised its rates for the winter. gas cooker n (cooking stove that runs on gas)煤气炉;煤气灶She preferred using a gas cooker to an electric one.We have a portable gas cooker for camping trips. gas cylinder n (container for storing gas)集气筒;集气瓶At home I use gas cylinders for space heating. gas engine n (motor powered by gas combustion)燃气发动机;气体引擎 gas fitter n (gas pipe installer)煤气管道安装工 gas furnace n (furnace using gas fuel)燃气炉 gas generator n (device: produces gas)煤气发电机The gas generator produces electricity using propane gas fuel. gas guzzler n slang (vehicle: uses lot of fuel)油老虎;吃油车(指美国二十世纪五六十年代制造的油量耗费巨大的汽车)The car is a gas guzzler, getting 15 miles per gallon or less in the city. gas heater n (heating appliance that runs on gas)燃气供暖设施The home we are planning to buy has a gas heater. gas heating n (heating system powered by gas)燃气供热;煤气供暖Gas heating is cheaper than oil in the area where I live. gas lamp n (lamp burning gas)煤气灯In the 19th century, many streets were illuminated by gas lamps. gas lighter n (device: produces flame)煤气打火机Ian lit the stove with a gas lighter. gas mask n (protective respirator)防毒面具Use a gas mask so you don't breathe in the deadly fumes. gas meter n (meter measuring gas used)煤气表Your gas bill is calculated based on monthly readings of your gas meter. gas motor n (engine powered by gas combustion)煤气发动机Some lawn mowers have a gas motor. gas oil n (intermediate viscosity fuel)柴油 gas pedal n US (accelerator)加速器She slammed on the gas pedal and sped down the street. gas pipe n (tube, pipeline that transports gas)煤气管;输气管 gas pipeline n (pipe: transports gas)煤气管线;煤气管道A gas pipeline transports gas over long distances. gas pump (US), petrol pump (UK) n (fuel dispenser for vehicles)加油机 gas range n (cooking stove that runs on gas)煤气炉;煤气灶At home I have an electric oven and a gas range. gas ring n (metal burner on gas stove)煤气灶;煤气炉 gas station (US), petrol station (UK), filling station n (sells gasoline for cars)加油站Where's the nearest gas station? I'm almost on empty. I stopped at a petrol station to buy petrol and check my tyre pressure.最近的加油站在哪里?我的车快没油了,所以我去了一趟加油站加油,还检查了一下轮胎气压。 gas station attendant (US), petrol pump attendant (UK) n (person who works petrol pumps)加油站服务人员I can't remember the last time I saw a petrol pump attendant in the UK. gas stove n (appliance: cooker)煤气炉Gas stoves are far more efficient than electric stoves. gas tube n (pipe that transports gas)气体管;充气管 gas tube, discharge tube n (electron tube containing gas)气体放电管 gas turbine n (rotary gas engine) (机械)燃气轮机The gas turbine generates electricity to power the university's buildings. gas-driven (US), petrol-driven (UK) adj (powered by gas)燃气的I predict that within my lifetime the gas-driven automobile will be obsolete. gas-fired adj (using gas as fuel)燃气的 gasholder, gas holder n (large gas storage container)大型储气罐;大型储气容器 greenhouse gas n (global warming: CO2, etc.)(二氧化碳甲烷等)导致温室效应的气体,温室气体Many countries have agreed to cut their emissions of greenhouse gases.许多国家都同意削减他们的温室气体排放量。 greenhouse gas emissions npl (global-warming gases emitted)温室气体排放 ideal gas n (physics: hypothetical gas that perfectly obeys laws) (物理:完全符合气体定律的气体)理想气体,完美气体 laughing gas n (nitrous oxide)笑气;一氧化氮Dentists frequently use "laughing gas" to calm patients prior to treatment. liquid gas, liquified gas n (gas that has been liquefied)液化气;液态气体 LPG n acronym (liquefied petroleum gas)液化石油气 mustard gas n (chemical weapon used in World War I) (一种毒气)芥子气 natural gas n (fuel consisting largely of methane)天然气I heat my home with natural gas. nerve gas n (poisonous gas used as chemical weapon)神经毒气Nerve gas has the capacity to kill thousands of people in a very short time. noble gas, inert gas n (chemical element)惰性气体;稀有气体Helium is a noble gas and is often used to inflate balloons. pass gas vtr + n US (emit wind)放屁A baby can pass gas up to 20 times a day. poison gas n (weapon: toxic vapour)毒气Poison gas was used by both sides during the Great War. premium gas n US (high-performance petrol)高性能汽油;高级汽油;质优价高的汽油High performance cars usually run on premium gas. step on the gas interj informal (accelerate, drive faster)踩油门;加快速度;赶快Step on the gas or we'll be late for church. swim bladder, air bladder, gas bladder n (zoology)鱼鳔 tear gas n (chemical: irritates the eyes)催泪瓦斯The cops fired tear gas into the crowd when they refused to disperse.




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