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词汇 fund
释义 fundUK:*/ˈfʌnd/US:/fʌnd/ ,(fund)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 fund n (money with purpose)资金;基金;专款The government set up a fund for orphans.政府为孤儿群体设立了一项基金。 fund n (investments)投资;资金Eric spread his money across several investment funds.艾瑞克将自己的钱分散到几种不同的投资上。 fund n (large store of [sth]: knowledge, etc.)大量储备This biologist has a fund of knowledge on insect anatomy.该生物学家在昆虫解剖学方面有丰富的知识储备。 funds npl (money immediately available)资金I'd like to learn French, but I don't have the funds to pay for evening classes.我很想学法语,不过我没有足够支付夜校的资金。 fund [sth] vtr (provide money for)为…提供资金The special interest group funded the politician's campaign.那个特殊利益集团资助了这位政治家的竞选活动。 复合形式: campaign fund n (collection of money for a cause)竞选基金;竞选经费 ETF n initialism (finance: exchange-traded fund)交易型开放式指数基金;交易所交易基金 exchange-traded fund n (finance: investment package)交易型开放式指数基金;交易所交易基金 fundraiser, fund-raiser n (charity worker)慈善筹款者;资金募集者She works as a fundraiser for a major nonprofit. fundraiser, fund-raiser n (charity event)慈善筹款活动;资金募集活动We went to a fundraiser last night for cancer research. fundraising, also UK: fund-raising n (making money for a cause)筹集资金We rely on fundraising to keep our services going.Our fundraising has earned us $1000 for our charity. fundraising, also UK: fund-raising adj (making money for a cause)筹款的;集资的We are going to a fundraising dinner tonight.今晚,我们将要组织一场筹款晚宴。 fundraising dinner, also UK: fund-raising dinner n (charity banquet)慈善宴会;筹款宴会I need to sell as many tickets as possible for the charity's fundraising dinner. hedge fund n (finance: type of investment) (金融)对冲基金 IFAD n initialism (agricultural organization)国际农业发展基金 IMF n initialism (International Monetary Fund) (International Monetary Fund的缩写)国际货币基金会The IMF often appears in the news because of their efforts to stabilize the world economy. International Monetary Fund n (UN financial organization)国际货币基金组织The International Monetary Fund has just released the latest World Economic Outlook report. mutual fund, open-end investment company n (investment program)共同基金会;互惠基金会;联合基金会 pension fund n (econ: retirement money)养老金,养老基金,退休基金 retirement fund n (savings for later in life)退休基金 severance fund n (income protection plan)解雇基金,遣散基金 slush fund n (money: illegal politics)行贿基金 trust fund n (savings account)信托基金;信贷基金I live off a trust fund that was set up by my uncle. WWF n initialism (World Wide Fund for Nature)世界自然基金会备注: The organization continues to be known as the World Wildlife Fund in the US and Canada, but is now the World Wide Fund for Nature outside North America.




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