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词汇 family
释义 familyUK:*/ˈfæmli/, /ˈfæmɪli/US:/ˈfæməli, ˈfæmli/US:(fam′ə lē, fam′lē)UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 family n (parents and children)家庭;家She grew up in a happy family. Brian's family are not wealthy, but they live comfortably.她在一个幸福的家庭里长大。布莱恩家庭并不富裕,但他们过得很舒适。 其他翻译 family adj (of a family)家庭的;全家的Sunday is a family day.周日是家庭日。 family adj (belonging to a family)属于家庭的This clock is a family heirloom.这架钟是家里的传家宝。 family n (clan, extended)家族He's always defending his family's name.他总是维护家族的名誉。 family n (class, group) (有相同特征)同一组物体Techno and hip-hop belong to the same family of music.高技术音乐和嘻哈音乐属于同一音乐家族。 family n ([sb]'s children)子女;儿女That couple is planning a large family.那对夫妻计划要生很多孩子。 family n (lineage)家族血统She comes from a noble, ancient family.她来自一个古老而且高贵的家族。 family n (biology: subdivision) (生物学)科Tigers are part of the cat, or felidae, family.老虎属于猫科。 family n (linguistics: category) (语言学)语族Basque is not part of the Indo-European family of languages.巴斯克语不属于印欧语系。 复合形式: blended family n (stepfamily from remarriage, etc.) (家庭结构)继亲家庭,混合家庭备注: 家庭构成: 成员包括夫妇、其子女以及先前与他人所生的子女 extended family n (relatives)大家庭;亲戚I only see my extended family at Christmas time.我只有在圣诞节期间才会见到我的亲戚。 fact family n (set of number bonds) (数学)加减数和;加减运算组 family allowance n UK, dated, often plural (social security benefit)家庭津贴备注: "Child benefit" is now used instead of this term. family business n (company owned and run by a family)家族企业,家族生意Eventually, his son will take over the family business. family company n (business: family-owned)家族企业;家族生意 family counseling (US), family counselling (UK) n (therapy and guidance for families)家庭咨询,家庭事务咨询 family court, also US: court of domestic relations, domestic-relations court n (law)家事法庭 family crest n (coat of arms)家族徽章 family doctor, family physician n mainly US (GP: physician who treats all ages) (全科医生)家庭医生 family feud n (argument within a family)家庭纠纷,家族争斗 family friend n (friend of your family)家族朋友,世交 family guy n US, informal (loving husband and father)居家男人 family leave n (to care for baby or [sb] ill)家事假 family life n (how a family lives, interacts)家庭生活 family man n (married man with children)有妻子儿女的男人;有家室的男人 family man n (man devoted to family)顾家的男人 family meal n (dinner eaten at home with family)家庭聚餐 family meal n (large meal from restaurant)家庭餐;全家桶 family member n (close relative)家庭成员;家属;家属Your friends and family members are welcome to join us.The nurse said only family members were allowed to see the patient. family name n (surname, last name)姓;姓氏He's the last surviving male so it's his task to carry on the family name.他是最后一名幸存的男性,所以他的任务就是将他们家的姓氏延续下去。 family planning n (use of contraception)计划生育You're not pregnant again, are you? Have you never heard of family planning! family practice n (medical specialization)家庭医学 family restaurant n (eatery suitable for children)亲子餐厅 family restaurant n UK (eatery owned and run by a family)家族餐厅 family reunion n (relatives: get-together)家庭团聚;家庭聚会My brother-in-law is visiting from Australia next week, so we're all getting together for a family reunion. family room n US (living room, lounge)家庭活动室;起居室;客厅We have a big-screen TV in our family room.I love to sit in the family room and read a good book all day. family size n (number of people in a family)家庭大小;家庭人数 family-size n as adj (food: enough for several people) (指食品)家庭份的;全家份的 family-size n as adj (large enough for several people)家庭份的;全家份的 family tension n (hostility within a family)家庭矛盾My mother disinherited my older brother and that has caused family tension. family ties npl (closeness to relatives)家庭关系;家庭纽带We all live far apart but our family ties are still strong. family time n US (time spent with family)家庭时光 family tree n (genealogical chart)家系图;家谱My sixteen great-great-grandparents sit at the top of my family tree.我的16位高祖父母位于家谱的顶端。 family values npl (belief in traditional family unit)家庭价值观,家族传统观念Family values is often a code phrase to justify bigotry. family-owned, family owned adj (belonging to a family)家族所有的备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun. family-sized, family-size adj (food: enough for several people)够全家食用的 family-sized, family-size adj (large enough for several people)家庭装的 foster family n (family who adopt a child temporarily)寄养家庭Lorraine was brought up by her foster family. FPA n UK (Family Planning Association)计划生育协会,家庭计划协会 GP n UK, colloquial, initialism (doctor: general practitioner)全科医生When is the last time you saw your GP for a physical exam?你最后一次找自己的全科医生做体检是什么时候? host family n (family one lodges with)寄宿所在的家庭;(提供膳宿的)接待家庭;(提供膳宿的)接待家庭My host family made me feel very welcome.We played host family to an exchange student from Germany. immediate family n (parents, siblings, children) (父母、兄弟姐妹、子女)直系亲属Although I had confided in an uncle and a distant cousin, my immediate family knew nothing about my plans. large family n (family with many children)一大家子As the oldest child in a very large family she never wanted kids of her own. nuclear family n (parents and children) (只有父母和孩子的)核心家庭,基本家庭A nuclear family means two parents and their children.基本家庭是指只包括父母和子女的家庭。 raise a family v expr (bring up children)养家糊口 royal family n (monarch and immediate relatives)皇室;王室After marrying the prince, she was considered a member of the royal family. run in the family, run in [sb]'s family v expr (be inherited, genetic)世代相传;家族遗传Artistic talent must run in Paul's family; he and his three sisters are all painters. single-family adj (type of dwelling)独栋的, 独户的




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