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词汇 ever
释义 everUK:*/ˈɛvər/US:/ˈɛvɚ/ ,(ev′ər)UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 ever adv (at any time)曾经Have you ever been to New York?你曾经去过纽约吗? ever adv (of all time, in history)有史以来;一直以来The Beatles were one of the most successful bands ever.甲壳虫乐队是有史以来最成功的乐队。 ever adv (emphatic: never) (强调)从来I have never, ever, been to Paris.我从来没去过巴黎。usage: ‘ever’Ever is used in negative sentences, questions, and comparisons to mean ‘at any time in the past’ or ‘at any time in the future’.Neither of us had ever skied.I don't think I'll ever be homesick here.Have you ever played football?I'm happier than I've ever been. ever adv informal (emphatic) (强调)到底,究竟Did the audience like her? Did they ever!观众喜欢她么?他们究竟喜不喜欢! ever adv UK, informal (with such, so: very) (表强调)非常,很He's ever so clever.他非常聪明。 ever adv literary (always) (书面语)一直,始终They were ever mournful of that tragic day.他们始终对那悲剧的一天扼腕叹息。 复合形式: as ever adv (as is always the case)一如既往;如往常一样As ever, I didn't understand a word of what he was saying.The bus was late, as ever! as ever, as ... as ever adv (as is always the case)一直;依旧I saw that comedian live recently and he was funny as ever. better than ever adj (improved, even greater than before)比以前更好的;变好的I was sad yesterday, but now I'm better than ever. Did you ever! interj US (I am astonished) (表示惊讶)你居然真这么干过! ever again adv (at any point in the future)再次I'm sure he won't dare do such a thing ever again. ever and anon, ever and again expr literary (now and then)偶尔;时而 ever before adv (at any point previously)以前;从前Women are choosing to stay single more than ever before. ever changing, ever-changing adj (variable)不断变化的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounOnline news sites enable us to keep up with our ever-changing world. ever more adv (increasingly)更加;越来越The situation was becoming ever more serious as war spread across the country. ever since conj (for entire time after)自从;自...以后;从...起Ever since she met Dave, she's given up on her other friends.自从她遇见了戴夫,就开始疏远自己的朋友。 ever since adv (since then)从那时起;自那以后His wife died a couple of years ago, and he's been depressed ever since.他妻子几年前去世了,自那以后他就一直很抑郁。 ever so adv dated (emphatic: very)极其,非常She was ever so lovely! ever-expanding adj (constantly becoming larger)不断扩大的,日益扩张的,不断扩展的 ever-growing adj (increasing, expanding)日益增长的 ever-increasing adj (constantly growing)不断增长的 ever-present adj (always existing)永存,常在 first-ever adj (for the first time)第一次的 for ever and ever adv (for eternity)永永远远;永恒地Charles promised to love Lucy for ever and ever. forever and ever expr (for all time)永远;直到永远I will remember this day forever and ever. happily ever after adv (fairytale ending) (童话故事的结尾)从此幸福地生活在一起,从此过着幸福快乐的日子Cinderella married her Prince Charming and they both lived happily ever after.灰姑娘嫁给了她的白马王子,从此他们过上了幸福的生活。 happily ever after, happy ever after adv (happy outcome)很高兴The lost cat was found in the attic and the family lived happily ever after.走丢的猫在阁楼上找到了,全家人都很开心。 hardly ever adv (rarely)几乎没有过;极为少见I hardly ever drink in the morning.我几乎没有在早上喝过酒。 if ever conj (should it ever occur that)万一Pop by if ever you feel like a chat. if ever adv (even never)甚至从来没有This method is rarely, if ever, employed today. more than ever adv (to the greatest extent so far)比往常程度都要高,比往常程度都要强Your adventure stories make me want to travel more than ever. After spending the weekend with him I like him more than ever.你的那些冒险故事让我对旅行的向往比往常程度都要强。和他相处一个周末之后,我对他的喜欢比往常程度都要强。 never ever adv informal (not ever) (非正式用语)从不,决不,永不I shall never ever forget you. scarcely ever adv (almost never, seldom)几乎从来没有After being mugged twice Miriam scarcely ever left the house. seldom if ever, seldom, if ever adv (never or almost never)很少;几乎不I seldom, if ever, have time to relax and read a book. whyever, why ever adv (emphatic: why)无论什么原因备注: Why ever is the form usually preferred.Why ever would anyone choose to live here? It's so remote!




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