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词汇 differ
释义 differUK:*/ˈdɪfər/US:/ˈdɪfɚ/ ,(dif′ər)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 differ vi (disagree)持不同看法;发生分歧Although the couple often differ, they are happy together.虽然夫妻俩经常发生分歧,但两人过得很开心。 differ vi (be different)不同于;相异As the two books on this subject differ so much, you should definitely read them both.这两本书在这个问题上相异甚远,你一定要两本都读读。 复合形式: agree to disagree, agree to differ v expr (accept different opinion)容许有不同意见;接受分歧的存在If you can't see things my way we will just have to agree to disagree because I won't change my mind either. beg to differ v expr (politely disagree)恕不同意You may think that poor people bring their problems on themselves, but I beg to differ. differ from [sth/sb] vi + prep (not be like)与…不同;不同于…This candidate differs from all the others. differ in [sth] vi + prep (be different in terms of)在...上不同;在...方面有所区别Children and adults differ in size and in ability.




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