

词汇 french connection
释义 french connection
french connection发音




direct connection───[计]直接连接

mesh connection───网状结线

deep connection───深度连接

delta connection───三角形接线;三角形接法

ground connection───接地

mesh connections───网状结线



But if you are looking for a good cliff-hanger, you might try some films voted among the best of the genre such as Psycho, North by Northwest, the French Connection, Rosemary's Baby, and Jaws.───但倘若你正在寻找一部惊险电影佳作,不妨欣赏这类电影的上上之选,如:《惊魂记》、《西北偏北》、《法国贩毒网》、《罗斯玛丽的婴儿》和《大白鲨》等等,这些都是不错的选择。

Perhaps that's what Cameron Mackintosh saw . Why he asked me in . The French connection.───可能卡梅隆·麦金托什就是看中了这一点,跟法国人的联系,所以他请我加入.

Those became popularly known as the French Connection.───那些由于与法国的联系,开始被普遍知道.

Released in the same year as a Clockwork Orange, the French Connection, and Dirty Harry, the film sparked heated controversy over the increase of violence in cinema.───发条橙》、《法国贩毒网》和《肮脏的哈利》同年发行,这部电影激发了对于暴力美学电影的更为热烈的争论。


Those became popularly known as the French Connection.

But if you are looking for a good cliff-hanger, you might try some films voted among the best of the genre such as Psycho, North by Northwest, The French Connection, Rosemary's Baby, and Jaws.

Perhaps that's what Cameron Mackintosh saw . Why he asked me in . The French connection.

French Connection Group Plc surged 4.4 percent to 47 pence after the U.K.-based fashion retailer reported a 4.2 percent rise in half-yearly sales to 96.2 million pounds.

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