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词汇 bag
释义 bagUK:*/ˈbæg/US:/bæg/ ,(bag)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 bag n (soft container for carrying)购物袋When I go shopping at the market, I take a sturdy bag for my purchases.当我去商场购物时,我会带上一个结实的购物袋。 bag n (carrier bag) (超市用的,纸袋、塑料袋、购物袋)袋子The cashier put the purchases in bags.收银员把我买的东西装入袋子里。 bag n (plastic sack)塑料袋Ethan stuffed his belongings into bags and loaded them into the trunk of the car.伊桑把自己的行李塞进塑料袋,然后放进汽车后备箱。 bag n mainly UK (handbag, shoulder bag: purse) (女式)包,手提包; (带肩带的女式)手提包,单肩包I think I have some change in my bag.我包里有零钱。 bag n often plural (suitcase, luggage)旅行箱;手提箱We have to wait for our bags to clear customs.我们得等着旅行箱通过海关检查。 bag of [sth] n (potatoes, etc.: sack) (土豆等)一袋Maria went to the store and bought a bag of potatoes.玛利亚去商店买了一袋土豆。 bag of [sth] n UK (potato chips: packet) (薯片)一袋Ian opened his bag of crisps.伊恩开了一袋薯片。 bag of [sth] n UK (candy: packet) (糖果)一袋A bag of sweets weighing 545g contains approximately 100 sweets.一袋重545克的糖果含有将近100的糖。 其他翻译 bag n (measure: bagful)一袋的量I ate two bags of crisps for lunch.我吃了两袋油炸土豆片当中饭。 bag n (bodily sac) (如牛的乳房)身体器官的液囊或袋When the cow's bag is full she must be milked.当奶牛的乳房胀满时,必须给它挤奶。 bag n (amount taken)渔猎所获;捕获数量Their bag for the weekend included rabbits and squirrels. bag n (baseball: base) (棒球)垒包,垒The runner was safe because the first baseman took his foot off the bag.因为一垒手的脚离开了垒包,所以跑垒者安全了。 bag n pejorative, offensive, slang (unattractive woman) (指女人)丑女,丑妇;丑八怪You must be joking if you think I'm going on a date with that bag. bag n UK, slang (interest)兴趣;擅长的领域Thanks for asking me to the game, but football is not really my bag.谢谢你邀请我参加比赛,但是足球并非我的兴趣所在。 bags of [sth] npl figurative, informal, mainly UK (large amount: of [sth])很多;许多;大量There's no need to rush - we've got bags of time. bags npl figurative (circles under tired eyes)眼袋Every morning when I wake up, I have bags under my eyes.我每天早上起床的时候,都有很深的眼袋。 bag vi (hang loosely)松散地垂挂;像空袋子一样松垂This shirt bags around the waist.这件衬衫松散地垂挂在腰间。 bag [sth] vtr (purchases: put into a bag)把…装进袋子A store employee will bag your groceries for you. bag [sth] vtr (kill, catch)捕获We bagged a pheasant on our hunting trip. bag [sb] vtr US, offensive, slang (have sex with)与…性交;和…做爱;和…上床Neil's friends were bored of listening to him go on about which girls he'd like to bag.尼尔没完没了地说要和那个女孩儿上床,他的朋友已经听够了。 bag [sth] vtr informal, figurative (obtain)获得;得到;搞到We managed to bag a good deal for a package holiday to Malta.我设法搞到了一个划算的马耳他度假套餐。 复合形式: airbag, air bag n (self-inflating safety device)安全气囊In the event of a crash, an airbag can save you from a serious head or chest injury. bag lady n informal, potentially offensive (homeless woman: carries belongings)流浪女 bag of bones n figurative (person, animal: skinny)骨瘦如柴的人或动物 bag of tricks n figurative ([sb]'s resources, stratagems)各种方法;各种诀窍 bag-in-box n (container for liquids)盒中袋 bag-in-box n as adj (relating to container for liquids)盒中有袋的;盒中带袋子的 beanbag, bean bag n (soft seat)豆袋椅Mia sits on a beanbag to play video games. beanbag, bean bag n (toy)(游戏用的)豆子袋;沙包The street performer was juggling with five beanbags. beanbag chair, bean bag chair, beanbag seat, beanbag seat n (large soft bead-filled sack to sit on)豆袋椅 betel bag n (pouch on string)抽绳袋 body bag n (bag for a dead body)运尸袋Soldiers have started coming home in body bags. book bag n (satchel)书包My homework was in my book bag, but now I can't find it. brown-bag it v expr US, informal (bring a packed lunch)自带午餐 bulk bag n (industrial: sack)大袋 carrier, carrier bag n (shopping bag)购物袋;购物手提袋I forgot to take a carrier with me to the supermarket and had to pay for one. clutch purse (US), clutch bag (UK) n (women's small bag)女士手包;无带女士手包I bought a sequined clutch purse to go with my dress. cooking bag n (plastic ovenproof bag for roasting)料理袋The cooking bag kept in moisture and the turkey was perfect! cosmetic bag n (purse for make-up)化妆袋,化妆包 diaper bag (US), changing bag, change bag (UK) n (tote for nappies)尿布包Now mothers can buy fashionable diaper bags that look like purses. diplomatic pouch (US), diplomatic bag (UK) n (not subject to inspection) (美国英语)外交邮袋,外交信袋The embassy sent the documents to the United States in a diplomatic pouch. dirtbag, dirt bag n US, vulgar, slang (despicable person) (比喻,指可鄙之人)垃圾My ex-boyfriend is a real dirtbag! doggie bag (UK), doggy bag (US) n (restaurant: leftover food to take) (餐厅等)打包盒;外带餐盒 doggy bag n (meal leftovers)打包带走吃剩饭菜用的袋子;打包袋We took the leftovers home in a doggy bag to enjoy the next day. douchebag, douche bag, douche n US, figurative, pejorative, vulgar, slang (person: unpleasant)讨厌鬼After his obnoxious behavior at the party, everyone thought Matt was a douchebag. douchebag, douche bag n (device: cleanses vagina) (冲洗下身的)冲洗袋The woman closed the bathroom door and prepared to clean herself with a douchebag. drawstring bag n (bag with a string closure)拉绳袋;束口袋 duffel bag, duffle bag n (drawstring tote bag)行李袋;旅行提包Duffel bags are sailors' suitcases. duffel bag, duffle bag n (bag made of coarse cotton)帆布袋Jim carries his things to the gym in a duffel bag. fanny pack, belt bag (US), bumbag (UK) n (pouch worn round the waist)腰包 feedbag, feed bag, feed-bag n US (nosebag for feeding horses)马粮袋The rider prepared the horse's feedbag. feedbag, feed bag, feed-bag n US (cyclist's bag with food and water)食品袋The cyclist ate a bite of the granola bar and put it back in his feedbag. garbage bag (US), bin bag, black bag, rubbish bag (UK) n (bin liner, refuse sack)垃圾袋I tied up the garbage bag and took it outside. garment bag n (soft case for carrying clothing)衣物收纳袋 go bag n (pack of emergency items)应急包 golf bag n (bag for carrying golf clubs)高尔夫球袋He hoped that using his father's golf bag would bring him luck in his game. goody bag, party bag n (party favours)糖果礼包;小礼包At the end of Lucy's party all the children received a goody bag of sweets and small toys.露西的派对结束后,所有的孩子都收到了一袋糖果和小玩具。 grab bag n US (lucky dip)碰运气;运气包 grab bag n US (bag from which an item is drawn)摸彩袋Each child who reads at least ten pages may take a toy from the grab bag. grab bag n (snack food: large packet to share)分享装, 家庭装Crisps only seem to come in huge grab bags these days; you can't buy a small packet anymore. grab bag n figurative (collection: miscellaneous things) (比喻)各种东西的混杂 grip, grip bag n (travel bag, holdall)手提旅行包Katie keeps her gym kit in a black grip. gym bag n informal (bag used for sports clothing)健身袋,健身包 be left holding the bag, end up holding the bag (US), be left holding the baby (UK) v expr figurative, informal (bear the blame)背黑锅 ice bag, ice pack n (ice-filled compress for pain relief) (镇痛用的)冰袋For an hour after the fight, he sat with an ice bag over his right eye. in the bag adj informal, figurative (assured)板上钉钉的;绝对的;有保证的 kit bag n (soldier's rucksack)(士兵的)背包With his kit bag over his shoulder he set off to catch the train. kit bag n (bag for sports clothing)背包;旅行包I keep all my tennis gear in this kit bag. kitbag, US: kit bag n (soldier's backpack)背包;行囊 let the cat out of the bag v expr figurative, informal (reveal the secret) (非正式用语)秘密泄露,真相大白Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag about me being pregnant. lunch bag n (sack or case for a packed lunch)午餐袋;便当盒 make-up bag n (pouch for cosmetics)化妆品包 mesh bag n (bag made of netting)网兜;网袋A mesh bag is a convenient alternative to wasteful plastic or paper bags. mixed bag n figurative, informal ([sth] varied, variable)大杂烩;混合体The album is a mixed bag – some of the songs are really good, but others are a bit forgettable. musette, musette bag n US (small knapsack)小背包 old bag n slang, pejorative (ugly or unappealing woman) (俚语,轻蔑语)丑陋的老太婆,老婆子Shut up, you old bag! overnight bag n (bag used for short trips)过夜行李;隔夜行李I don't have much luggage, just an overnight bag. pastry bag n US (cookery: bag for piping food)裱花袋;糕点袋Doris filled the pastry bag with icing. piping bag, icing bag n UK (cookery: bag for piping food)裱花袋 plastic bag n (carrier bag, sack made of plastic)塑料袋The stores in this city charge for plastic bags. punching bag (US), punchbag, punch bag (UK) n (stuffed bag for boxing practice)(练拳击的)沙袋;吊袋Rod was practising his boxing moves with a punch bag. punching bag (US), punchbag, punch bag (UK) n figurative ([sb] subjected to abuse)出气的对象;出气筒I quit my job because I felt the boss was using me as a punching bag. purse snatcher (US), bag snatcher (UK) n (handbag thief)抢包贼 quart-size bag, quart-sized bag n US (bag: holds a US quarter-gallon)能装下1/4加仑的袋子;容量为1/4加仑的袋子I'll need a quart-size bag to store the frozen fruit. school bag n (bag carried by school pupil)书包 schoolbag, also UK: school bag n (schoolchild's satchel)书包Bobby put his pencil case and his books in his schoolbag. shopping bag n (tote used for shopping) (指可多次使用的、一般是布料制成的)手提购物袋 shopping bag n (plastic carrier)塑料袋;塑料购物袋 shoulder bag n (bag with long strap)肩包;带肩带的提包He carries a leather shoulder bag for overnight trips. sleeping bag n (padded sack for sleeping in)睡袋We both fit into one large sleeping bag.这个大睡袋能容纳下我们俩。 tea bag n (sachet of tea leaves)茶叶袋;袋装茶叶Tea bags are easier to use than loose tea.The kitchen counter was littered with old tea bags and dirty cups. teabag, tea bag n (sachet of tea leaves)茶包;茶袋 toilet bag n (wash bag for toiletries)洗浴用品袋 tool bag n (bag for handheld instruments)工具袋The plumber carried his tool bag to work. tote bag n (carryall)大型手提袋She threw her stuff in a tote bag and went on her way. trash bag n US (rubbish sack, bin liner)垃圾袋The gardeners filled ten trash bags with fallen leaves. vacuum cleaner bag n (sack for vacuumed dust)吸尘器尘袋,吸尘器集尘袋 wash bag, also UK: sponge bag n (bag for toiletries)洗漱包




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