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词汇 attendant
释义 attendantUK:*/əˈtɛndənt/US:/əˈtɛndənt/ ,(ə ten′dənt)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 attendant n (personal servant)随从;随员The queen's attendants helped her get dressed.女王的随从帮她穿好了衣服。 attendant n (worker)服务员The attendant at the gas station cleaned the windshield for us.加油站的服务员为我们清理了挡风玻璃。 attendant adj (related)伴随的;随之而来的Expansion of the company would result in attendant expenses and potential complications.公司一旦进行扩张,就会有伴随的开支,也可能出现各种问题。 attendant adj (person: in attendance)在场的;到场的The attendant crowd waited anxiously for the rock band to appear on stage.在场的人群焦急地等着摇滚乐队在舞台上出现。 attendant, attendee n (person who attends)出席的人;出席者Robert is a regular attendant at the weekly meetings.罗伯特是每周会议的常规出席者。 复合形式: cabin attendant, cabin steward n (on a passenger ship)客舱乘务员;机舱服务员 elevator operator (US), lift attendant (UK) n ([sb] employed to operate a lift)电梯操作员;电梯工 flight attendant, cabin attendant n (air steward, hostess)空中小姐;空姐The flight attendant demonstrated how to use the oxygen masks.空中小姐演示了如何使用氧气面罩。 gas station attendant (US), petrol pump attendant (UK) n (person who works petrol pumps)加油站服务人员I can't remember the last time I saw a petrol pump attendant in the UK. gasoline pump attendant (US), petrol pump attendant (UK) n (person who works gas pumps)汽油泵工人Self service has made gasoline pump attendants a thing of the past. medical attendant n (paramedic or first aider)保健医生;医疗护理者 room attendant n ([sb] employed to clean hotel rooms)客房服务员I can rely on my room attendant to clean my room.




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