Bats flitted about in the darkening sky.───蝙蝠在暮色苍茫的天空中飞来飞去.
A fine shadow was flung over the deep green meadow, darkening all.───美丽的夜幕已经降临到深绿色的草地上, 一切都给吞没在黑夜之中.
A thick cloud rolled rapidly across the sands , darkening the sky with a dense green haze.───只看见一片稠密的云雾正快速的席卷沙漠, 那浓得化不开的绿色阴霾遮蔽天日.
Now, the mood is darkening.───现在, 他们心情忧郁.
Computer screens are darkening in China, and it's not because the nation's netizens are powering down.───中国的许多电脑屏幕都成了黑沉沉的一片, 这可不是因为中国网民关机了.
Jeff: Overhead, the sky was darkening.───杰夫: 在他的头顶上, 天空是一片的黑暗.
Melanoma: Dark - coloured malignant tumour of skin cells that produce the protective skin - darkening pigment melanin.───黑素瘤: 一种从黑素色素皮肤细胞产生的黑色肿瘤.
But this time, as business leaders shared their experiences, one could almost feel the clouds darkening.───但这一次, 当商界领袖们交流看法时, 几乎都感觉到前景正变得更加黯淡.
- 黑暗化用英语怎么说
- darkening skies
- darkening to purple
- limb darkening
- darkening beach