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词汇 first lady
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First Lady───第一夫人;总统夫人

first ladies───第一夫人;总统夫人

first class───头等,第一流;最高级

first grade───一年级;第一级;一等品

first hands───第一手的;直接的

First day───n.星期日

first aid───急救;急救护理

first aids───急救;急救护理

first base───n.一垒的位置


Bush and first lady Laura Bush greeted the guests.───布什和第一夫人劳拉-布什一起问候来宾.

Then came the presentation of the awards by the First Lady.───接下来是第一夫人的颁奖。

President and first lady refuse to talk to reporters to fueled field questions and give answers.───总统和第一夫人拒绝与记者对话,充分且顺利的回答问题以及提供答案.

The former first lady, an environmental enthusiast, died Wednesday of natural causes at the age of 94.───这位前第一夫人, 一个环保主义者于周三自然逝世,享年94岁.

A cart and horse delivered the official tree to the First Lady this morning in Washington.───在华盛顿,一架马车今早把一棵杉树送到了第一夫人的手里.

When First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton changed her hairstyle, it made the front page news.───第一夫人希拉里·罗德汉姆·克林顿改变发式, 成了头条新闻.

No other American first lady has gone on to her own career in politics.───美国从未有过第一夫人走上属于自己的从政之路.

US First Lady Michelle Obama has launched a nationwide campaign to tackle child obesity.───美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马发起一项全国性的对付儿童肥胖的运动.

By Western standards, all that might seem minimal activity for a First Lady.───依照西方人的标准, 所有这些对第一夫人来说似乎都是最少的活动.

The First Lady applauds dancers after a private performance at the Royal Opera House in London.───在伦敦皇家歌剧院举行的一场私人演出结束后,第一夫人接见舞蹈演员.

His wife , Jill Biden , and America's future first lady, Michele Obama, were also present.───拜登的妻子吉尔·拜登以及美国准第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马也出席这一活动.

I caught Bill's eye, and he ushered the former First Lady toward us.───我捕捉到了比尔的目光, 他陪着前总统夫人朝我们走了过来.

first lady reunited after two days campaigning separately for candidates in the midterm election.───两天前,夫妇二人还分别参加了中期国会选举的竞选运动。

Some assured the First Lady that they would bring their own refreshments.───有些人叫第一夫人放心,说他们自己会带茶点来的.

The President or the First Lady in a nighttime ceremony usually lights the tree.───对许多基督徒来说,圣诞蜡烛可能是最好的礼物.

The First Lady unveiled a commemorative plaque.───第一夫人为纪念牌匾揭了幕。

No First Lady had ever before sought public office.───以前从未有过第一夫人去追求政府职位.

Democrat Hillary Clinton said she had come to know Ms. Bhutto during her as First Lady.───民主党的希拉里·克林顿称早在她还是美国第一夫人的时候就已经认识贝布托夫人.

POTUS being the President of the United States and FLOTUS, First Lady Of The United States.───potus,即美国总统;FLOTUS, 即美国第一夫人.

However, Hillary Clinton was never a typical first lady.───然而, 希拉里·克林顿从来就不是个典型的第一夫人.

The first lady announced the Malaria Communities Program a White House conference last Thursday.───上周四的一次白宫会议上,第一夫人宣布了此疟疾社区(援助)项目.

She spent this summer traveling to Africa with her mother, first lady Laura Bush.───今年夏天,她和母亲劳拉?布什一起访问了非洲.

the first lady of country music───乡村音乐最佳女歌手

She's going to have to be a wife , a mother , but also the first lady.───“第一夫人 ” 是对白宫女主人的一个非官方的称呼.

More than eighteen hundred people have been celebrating the memory of the former first lady.───共有1800多人为这位前第一夫人举行了追思会.

President and first lady Obama released their 2008 federal income tax returns today.───总统和第一夫人今天公布了他们2008年的联邦所得税申报表.

The former First Lady and her daughter Chelsea campaign today in West Virginia.───今日前第一夫人和女儿切尔西参加西佛吉尼亚的竞选活动.

Ronald Reagan and first lady Nancy Reagan told Americans to'Just Say No'to drugs.───里根总统及其夫人南希曾告诉美国人,对毒品“只管说不 ”.

The first lady impressed me by her voice, look, and air.───第一位小姐的声音, 神情 、 风度给我留下很深的印象.

What do you think of the First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton?───你对第一夫人-希拉里.罗德姆.克林顿的什么看法?

As the nation's First Lady, Hillary continued to balance public service with private life.───作为美国的第一夫人, 希拉里继续调和着私人生活和公共性服务事务之间的平衡关系.

Prima donna first lady of the stage!───舞台上的第一夫人!


He also hurled other shocking words at the First Lady.

The First Lady had an upcoming swing through four cities that required my urgent attention.

The First Lady will make an official visit to Haiti.

The President and First Lady were due back in thirty-five minutes.

The First Lady had maintained an exemplary civic profile.

The First Lady arrived a few minutes after nine.

Then there is the problem of what the first lady has done or should do.

Former first lady Barbara Bush officially christened the ship.

The First Lady was also a highly educated woman.

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