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词汇 finance minister
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finance ministers───财政部长

finance director───财务经理

financial disaster───金融危机

finance directors───财务经理

cabinet minister───n.(英国、加拿大及其他英联邦国家的)议会内阁成员

finance bills───财政法案;融通票据

finance house───金融公司;贷款公司(等于financecompany)

finance houses───金融公司;贷款公司(等于financecompany)

foreign minister───外交部长


Miroslaw was the deputy finance minister in charge of taxation.───米罗斯拉夫是负责税收的副财政部长。

Finance Minister Suchart said that economic growth could fall to 2% next year.───财政部长素察表示泰国明年的经济增长率可能会降至2%。

Despite valiant efforts by the finance minister, inflation rose to 36%.───尽管这位财政部长作了顽强的努力,通货膨胀率还是升到了36%。

A YEAR ago Brazil's finance minister, Guido Mantega, declared that the world had entered into a "currency war" .───一年前,巴西财长曼特加(GuidoMantega)宣称全球“货币战争”已经打响。

Guido Mantega, Brazil's finance minister, had the courage to say what many were thinking: that the world is in the middle of a currency war.───巴西财政部长吉多•曼特加(GuidoMantega)勇敢地说出了许多人心里的话:即世界已陷入了一场汇率战争。

Having been French finance minister since the sovereign crisis began, her fingerprints are all over the European end of the Greek bail-out.───此次主权债务危机爆发时,拉加德正担任法国财政部长。欧盟对希腊展开的纾困中,从头到尾都留下了拉加德的痕迹。

Germany's finance minister, Peer Steinbruck, has said the crisis will reduce US financial hegemony and create a more multipolar world.───德国财政部长施泰因布吕克曾表示,危机将减少美国的金融支配力,并创造一个更为多极化的世界。

A former European finance minister reminded me that, from a political perspective, there is nothing in it for a rational politician.───一位前欧洲国家财长提醒我,从政治角度看,理性的政治人士认为银行纾困毫无可取之处。

Seoul has no plans to introduce defensive tools to help business protect itself, South Korea's finance minister says.───表示,首尔没有引入防御手段帮助韩国企业进行自我保护的计划。


The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland's economic reform.

  • finance department
  • finances means
  • finance officer
  • finance office
  • finance ministry rejected
  • finances today




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