

词汇 feel cold
释义 feel cold
feel cold发音




feel loved───感受被爱

feel for───同情;摸索

feel joy───感受快乐

feel out───v.试探出

feel well───身体好;感觉舒服




you feel cold?; Are you feeling cold?───你冷不冷?

I feel cold at night. Could I please have another blanket?───我夜里感到很冷, 可以再要一条被子 吗 ?

I feel cold all the time.───我一直感到很冷.

Keep your coat on [ Keep on your coat ] if you feel cold.───如果觉得冷, 大衣 就别脱.

The temperature has dropped, you will feel cold in those thin shoes.───降温了, 穿单鞋出去会冻脚的.

They might feel cold, dizzy and unable to think clearly.───他们可能会感到冷 、 晕眩、意志模糊.

Though the icy night air seared his face, he didn't feel cold but invigorated.───晚间的冷气削着他的脸, 他不觉得冷,反倒痛快.

If you don't wear enough clothes you'll feel cold.───穿得太少,会觉得冷的.

If the lips are gone, the teeth will feel cold.───唇亡齿寒.

Activate the heat only after you begin to feel cold.───当您感到双足发冷之后,便可激活保温功能.

No longer did he feel cold, in fact his palms were sweating slightly.───他不冷了, 手心上反倒见了点汗.

With this electric blanket, the grandpa won't feel cold in winter.───有了电热毯, 到了冬天爷爷就不觉得冷了.

They might feel cold decay dizzy and unable to think clearly.───他们会感觉到冷,头晕和神志不清.

I feel cold and shivery.───我觉得冷并且发抖。

They might feel cold, dizzy and to think clearly.───你会感到冷, 头晕,无法思考.

Ice and snow feel cold.───冰雪摸着是冷的.

The damp in the air makes me feel cold.───空气潮湿使我觉得寒冷.


The loop of blood of ministry of block up foot, feel cold instead.

Wiht depraved color. the more I love you the more I feel cold.

You'll feel cold if you don't wear a coat.

The thought made her feel cold, causing her to stir restlessly.

Like royalty, one will neither feel cold in winter nor hot in summer.

It was bitter winter weather, but I had been too full of passion to feel cold, and I walked through the quiet streets, with the snow drifting in my face, and a desperate hopefulness in my heart.

Though the icy night air seared his face, he didn't feel cold but invigorated.

Keeping the heat inside Sitting in a draughty room will lower your body temperature and make you feel cold and uncomfortable.

With this electric blanket, the grandpa won't feel cold in winter.

  • feel goodl mthirteen
  • feel the light
  • feeling time
  • feeling nice
  • feel sorry for
  • feel for you
  • feel boring
  • feel in all
  • feel so fine
  • feel good inc
  • feel cold
  • feel that way
  • feeling words
  • feelers game
  • feel nothing
  • feel sick with
  • feel alive
  • feels smooth
  • feeler gauge
  • feel good to do
  • feeling cool




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