Well, hard luck, mate.───唉,真不走运,哥儿们。
"Good luck, sarge," he said.───“祝你好运,中士,”他说。
Our luck couldn't hold forever.───我们的好运不可能永远保持不变。
Isn't that a piece of luck ?───难道不是有点运气?
A merchant's happiness hangs upon luck.───商人的幸福靠运气.
At last you had good luck.───这一下你算是走运了.
I always lose at cards, with my bad luck.───我不走运,打牌总输.
She seems cursed with bad luck.───她好像运气不好连连遭殃。
Our luck couldn't hold for ever.───我们不会永远走运。
Everything goes amiss with him, he has certainly bad luck.───他事事不如意, 运气真不好.
We had a bit of hard luck this season.
Care and diligence bring luck.
Diligence is the mother of good luck.
With luck, we'll be home before dark.
Bad luck always comes in threes.
Fools have the best luck.
Good luck and God bless you.
You're out of luck. She's not here.
We should manage, with a little bit of luck.
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- clucking gun
- luckless holly
- unluck ly
- stroke of luck
- have lucky
- too bad luck
- luckless one
- who is lucky
- worse luck
- plucking up the courage