Don't run the red light when crossing the road
过马路───cross the street;闯红灯───Running a red light
Don't cross the street when the traffic light is red.───当交通灯是红色的时候,不要横过街道。
Be careful when you cross the street.───过马路的时候要当心.
It was blocking the intersection while people were trying to cross the street.───当人们都要过十字路口的时候,它堵塞在那儿.
The old man watched for a chance to cross the street.───老人注意等待机会过街.
Be double careful when you cross the street.───你过街时要加倍小心.
Hold to my hand while we cross the street.───我们过马路时,你要抓住我的手.
The cop signaled traffic to halt to allow pedestrians to cross the street.───警察指示车辆停下以便让行人过街.
Before the traffic signal turns to green light don't cross the street.───在交通信号轮换到绿灯以前不要穿过马路.
Seventy-one-year-old Margarita Flemenco tried to cross the street against a red light.
The boys were scared to cross the street.
Antonia went to cross the street to buy us some sodas.
Look out for cars when you cross the street.
As I try and fail to cross the street, it occurs to me that even the chaos is ruled by convention.
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