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词汇 farm out
释义 farm out
farm out发音

出租…; 把…寄托[寄养]出去



farms out───部份转让;分包合同;移交

far out───最新的;激进的;远离现实的


farmed out───部份转让;分包合同;移交

cart out───推车运出

face out───顶住,勇敢地对待

fade out───v.淡出;渐弱

fake out───做假动作;以欺骗手法制胜

fall out───发生;脱落;争吵;离队;结果是


We're so busy that we have to farm out a lot of work.───我们非常忙,许多工作需承包出去.

I'm starting to farm out work to other people.───我开始把工作包出去给别人做.

But haven't etc, daley's farm out in a professor of manasseh will persuade to the farm.───可还没等走出农场,多诺茜就在一位叫玛威尔教授的劝说下回到了农场.

Their planners come up with product ideas but farm out most engineering jobs.───它们的的策划者设计出产品,不过却把大部分工程工作承包出去.

We're so busy we have to farm out a lot of work.───我们太忙,许多工作得招人承包.

The manufacturers can farm out the job, but only to authorised firms.───汽车制造商可以将这项工作承租出去,但仅限于授权公司。

They've tended to farm out work to consultants.───他们经常把业务分包给顾问。

To raise money, the bishop planned to farm out his land.───为了筹集资金, 主教打算出租土地.

He has no idea how to pull the farm out of danger.───他不知该如何使农场脱离危险.

Jeans claims to own a farm out of Paris but I don't believe her.───琼斯声称她在巴黎郊外拥有一座农场,但我不信她的话.

They may farm out highly specialized operations to other factories.───他们可以把高度专门化的工作外包给其他厂家.

Scores of U.S. companies farm out software development.───许多美国公司外包软件开发。

There are tactical components, which you can farm out.───有些策略上的部分,你可以外包出去。


Magazines often farm out articles to freelance journalists.

The land has been farmed out.

We're so busy that we have to farm out a lot of work.

These foothills have been farmed out with tobacco.

She farmed out the baby with her grandmother.

We can get more money by farming out the other fields.

They're always farming out their children on their relatives.

When he was little, he was often farmed out to family friends.

He farmed out his land.

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