

词汇 请问你是哪位用英语怎么说
释义 请问你是哪位用英语怎么说

Who is calling, please


请问───excuse me?


Excuse me, could you let me through?───对不起,能让我过去吗?

Excuse me, but are you Mr. Honig?───打扰一下,请问您就是霍尼格先生吗?

Excuse me, is this your seat?───对不起,这是您的座位吗?

'Excuse me, Commander, 'the guard said. He looked at the clock near the door.───“对不起,司令。”那个卫兵说。他看了看门边挂着的表。

He just looked up at the sky, and he said, "Excuse me, can you not see that I'm driving? "───他抬头望向天空,对它说道:“不好意思,您没看到我正在开车吗?”

Daniel: Excuse me. How much is the beef?───丹尼尔:请问,这个牛肉怎么卖?

It`s very nice of you to say so. Excuse me, I`ll have to go check the departure time.───你这么说.太感谢了.抱歉.我得看一下飞机起飞时间。

If people aren't noticing you and you need service, say clearly "Excuse me. " Also, whatever you are trying to say, try to be concise.───如果人们没有注意你,你需要服务,清楚地说:“对不起”而且,不论你要说什么,努力简洁。

Chinese is not my mother tongue, so if I've written something wrong or offended someone, I wish all of you could excuse me.───如果我有什么写错或者有得罪的地方,请诸位别见笑。

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