antibody test───抗体试验
body heat───要命的吸引力(电影名)
to body swerve───身体转向
Peabody bird───皮博迪鸟
a body blow───身体打击
No wonder you can't find anybody here; they're all away at a meeting.───难怪找不到人,都开会去了。
Has anybody here seen the movie "Clockwork Orange"?───有谁看过电影《发条橙》?
But if I can interrupt, Joe, I don't think anybody here is personally blaming you.───恕我打断你,乔,我认为这里并没有人在怪你。
So if anybody here has trouble with the concept of design humility, reflect on this -- it took us 5000 years to put wheels on our luggage.───在场如果有人对这个「设计师的谦虚」概念有疑问,听听这句话:我们花了5000年才为行李箱装上轮子。
Please listen, ' I said. 'This is a robot. Please remember it's not a real animal. I don't want anybody here to go crazy. '───“请听我说。”我说,“这是只机器动物。请记住它不是真动物。我不希望这儿有人发疯。”
MJ: u're trying to scare me , arent u? i tell u what we'll play a game, anybody here like game? hello, game time!───你在恐吓我是吧?那好吧,我们玩个游戏,这里有人喜欢玩游戏么?游戏时间到了!
Hello ? Can anyone hear me ? I said , is there anybody here ?───喂?有人听见我说话吗?请问有人在家吗?
Is there anybody here whose parents are not at all involved in his education?───这里有谁的父母根本就不关心你的学习?
Look, we're not out to get anybody here. We just wanna hear what he has to say.───你看,我们在这不是要打击谁,我们只是想听听他不得不说的话。
And it's more than just saying, "Anybody here form Dubuque?"
And he hoped it wouldn't inhibit the activities of anybody here.
But if I can interrupt, Joe, I don't think anybody here is personally blaming you.