The legend of blood
We Chinese have the spirit to fight the enemy to the last drop of our blood.───我们中华民族有同自己的敌人血战到底的气概.
A year ago he had a blood clot removed from his brain.───他脑内的血块一年前被取出了.
It's time we got some new blood in this company.───本公司该任用新雇员了.
His lifestyle predisposed him to high blood pressure.───他的生活方式容易使他患高血压.
The heart has valves to let blood flow in and out of it.───心脏有瓣膜控制血液流进流出.
You must stem the flow of blood from the wound.───你必须止住伤口流血.
Seeing blood makes me feel a bit peculiar.───看见血会使我感到有点儿不舒服.
Their swords smoked with blood.───他们的宝剑冒着血腥气.
I lost a lot o' blood.
He had a blood clot removed from his brain.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil tears and sweat.
You can't get blood out of a stone.
Blood is thicker than water.
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