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词汇 executive pay
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executive park───行政公园

executive toy───行政玩具

executive parks───行政公园

executive toys───行政人员的小玩意

executive job───执行职务


executive board───执行委员会

executive class───商务舱

executive jobs───高管职位


One reason for rapidly rising executive pay is globalization.───之一,全球化进程使得公司高管薪酬剧增。

Obama unveiled executive pay caps for firms tied to bailout.───奥巴马公布了受援助企业高管薪资上限。

Executive pay is the most obvious candidate.───高管薪酬是最明显不过的选择。

This week Congress got to work on a bill that would greatly extend shareholder democracy by giving investors a vote over executive pay.───本周国会开始审议一项法案,此法案将赋予投资者对经理人报酬的投票权,从而大大扩展股东的民主。

But if misgovernance is not the cause of the general rise in executive pay, strengthening corporate governance is surely not the solution.───不过如果说,管理不善并不是经理人报酬普遍上涨的原因,那么加强企业管理肯定不是解决办法了。

The company has also been forced to take caps on executive pay, the paper said, citing people close to the bank.───该报并援引知情人士的话称,美银还被迫限制高管薪酬。

Several months later, some evidence indicates that the widespread desire for a brake on executive pay might be beginning to be realised.───几个月后,一些迹象表明,限制高管薪酬的普遍愿望可能正逐渐实现。

But are we experiencing a pivotal period in the history of executive pay, signalling the beginning of a sustained descent?───但我们是否正在经历高管薪酬史中预示着持续下降即将揭幕的关键时期?

On the question of executive pay, the crisis is sending shudders through corporate boards.───在高管限薪的问题上,金融危机也对公司董事会带来了极大振动。


The 18 firms were chosen because they have already disclosed their executive pay through proxy statements and are major players in providing securities and investment services.

It is near impossible, of course, to determine the correct absolute level of executive pay.

The power law of executive pay also requires a particular kind of economics to explain it.

Now executive pay sometimes seems to be the most emotive campaign issue.

Industrial Bank's cautious treatment of executive pay is very necessary.

But you wouldn't know it from the halfhearted response to proposals giving investors a direct say on executive pay.

While productivity, profits, executive pay and the stock market keep going up, workers' incomes keep going down.

Hence the frenzied increase in top executive pay and bank bonuses.

  • executive desks
  • executive dysfunction
  • executive department
  • executive vice president
  • executive committees




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