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词汇 eurasian plate
释义 eurasian plate
eurasian plate发音




Eurasian Plate───欧亚大陆板块

engraving plate───雕刻合金板

brass plate───n.黄铜名牌

chain plate───链盘;[船]桅侧支索牵条

crustal plate───[地质]地壳板块

fashion plate───时装图样;穿着时髦的人

registration plate───号牌;牌照

etesian climate───地中海气候

registration plates───号牌;牌照


what if there was a major under sea quake where the Philippine and Eurasian plate meet.───还有一点就是,假设菲律宾和亚欧板块在海底相撞的话,会出现什么状况。

The epicenters of the two quakes were separated by about 630 miles and were both related to the northward thrust of the Indian Plate against the Eurasian Plate.───两次地震的震中相隔大约630英里,两次地震均是因为向北移动的印度板挤压欧亚板块造成的。

China continental margin has undergone a complicated convergence process of the Eurasian plate with the Pacific plate and Tethys plate.───中国大陆东、南边缘经历了欧亚板块与太平洋板块和特提斯板块会聚作用的复杂过程。

Kinda, but what if there was a major under sea quake where the Philippine and Eurasian plate meet.───还有一点就是,假设菲律宾和亚欧板块在海底相撞的话,会出现什么状况。

The road is located at the corner of Yalu Tsangpo River , it belongs to the suture of Eurasian plate and Indian plate .───它地处雅鲁藏布江大拐弯地带,属于欧亚板块与印度板块的缝合部。

Hangzhou is on the line of breakage as the tongue of the Eurasian Plate is pulled down and under the Indo-Australian Plate.───杭州位于断裂线上,因为欧亚板块的舌头地带正被往印度---澳大利亚板块之下拖拽。

There, not just the Philippine Sea plate but the Pacific plate descends under the Eurasian plate on which Tokyo sits.───东京所处的欧亚板块下不仅有菲律宾板块,还有太平洋板块。

Per the Zetas, the Sunda Plate operates as an extension of the Eurasian Plate, but the tongue has a distinct border.───根据齐塔人的说法,巽他板块可以被当作是亚欧板块的延长,但是舌部地带有一个明显的界线。

The overthrust tectonics at the end of Paleogene are related to the remote effect of subduction of Indian plate beneath Eurasian plate.───古近纪末期逆冲构造形成机制与印度板块向欧亚板块之下俯冲的远程效应有关。


Kinda, but what if there was a major under sea quake where the Philippine and Eurasian plate meet.

The most likely spawning ground for that earthquake will be 100km or more to the south-west, where the Philippine plate dives under the Eurasian plate, creating a continuous sequence of shudders.

The divergent Mid-Atlantic Ridge rises above sea level at Thingvellir, with the North American plate to the west and the Eurasian plate to the east.

Dulongjiang area is the north part of Burma-Malaya Geoblock of Gondwanaland. During th Mesozoic Era it collided with the Eurasian Plate, and became the southwestern borderland of East Asia Continent.

The force source of current tectonic stress field comes mainly from the westward and northwestward horizontal extrusions from the Pacific and Philippine Plates respectively to the Eurasian Plate.

Following the Triassic collision, with Pacific plate subduction and continuous accumulation towards Eurasian plate in the Jurassic-Cenozoic, the huge accretionary complex belt was eventually formed.

Kamchatka is one of the most active regions of volcanism in the world because it is located in the transitional zone where the Eurasian plate, North American plate and Pacific plates meet.

The oblique collision of the India and Eurasian plate cause the basement-involved structure of the Tarim Basin boundary and inside to put mostly up the double features as thrust and strike-slip fault.

The stress field from large scale of mantle convection is consistent with the southeastward rift of the Eurasian plate and the northwestward spread of the Pacific plate.





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