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词汇 epic story
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epic story发音




fairy story───神话;谎言

bedtime story───n.催眠故事

music history───音乐史


back story───背景故事





we want to tell an epic story.───我们想讲一个史诗般的故事。

Behind the 3-d magic is a director who won't let even the laws of physics get in the way of an epic story.───这个3d魔幻世界背后是一个让物理定律在这个史诗故事中失效的导演这常让科学顾问们抓狂。

This is a great epic story, akin to humankind making contact today with intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.───这是一个伟大的史实般的故事,就像如今人类和宇宙中其他地方的智能生物进行联络一样。

The last time we'd spoken, in September, he'd surprised me with an epic story of sneaking off by boat with his brother to fight in Tripoli.───我们上次在九月交谈时,他史诗般的故事让我吃惊,他和他的兄弟偷偷乘船前往的黎波里参加战斗。

My goal was to tell an epic story with visual power and to impress the crap out of the audience, like my goal is every time I make a movie.───我的目标是通过非凡的视觉效果讲述一个史诗故事而使观众印象深刻就像我拍每一部电影的目标一样。

The director is so keen on building an epic story that he even leaves the final showdown between the two sides to a second installment.───导演是如此热衷于勾画一个史诗故事,他甚至将双方的最终一战留到了第二部电影中。

The tale of her broken family becomes a microcosm for China's own incredible, epic story of the past three decades.───她破碎的家庭的故事成为中国过去30年的历史缩影。

It is an epic story that he seems compelled to tell, the way a passionate young priest might attempt a biography of Satan.───这是一个他似乎被迫要讲的史诗般的故事,如同一个满怀激情的年轻牧师可能试图给撒旦立传一样。

In the second epic story, the hero, Frodo, reached a point of despair and wearily confided to his friend, "I can't do this, Sam. "───在第二集当中,主角佛罗多跌入了绝望和疲倦的谷底,他向朋友吐露心声:「山姆,我做不到!」


Ramanujan's "Three Hundred Ramayanas, " is considered by Indologists to be a classic study of Hindu diversity and a discussion of the hundreds of different tellings of the epic story of Rama and Sita.

A true epic needs more than the grandeur of its landscapes, the lavishness of its sets and the sheer manpower of its battle scenes: It needs a truly epic story.

A combination of epic story telling, visually stunning camerawork, extraordinary locations and passionate presenting combine to form a highly original version of human history.

My goal was to tell an epic story with visual power and to impress the crap out of the audience, like my goal is every time I make a movie.

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