peculiar people───奇怪的人
English elm───英国榆树;大叶榆
English saddle───英式马鞍
English self───英语自我
peculiar peoples───奇特的民族
English speaker───说英语的人
Is English spoken only by English people?───只有英国人讲英语吗?
Most English people have a horror of being talked about.───大多数英国人都怕让人家讲闲话.
Under the Tudors many English people were transplanted to Ireland.───在都铎王朝时代许多英格兰人被迫移居爱尔兰.
September and October are the months of the year during which most English people take their holidays.───一年中9、10两个月是大多数英国人休假的月份.
I spoke to lots of friendly English people.───我和很多非常友好的英国人都说了话。
In this case, Cantonese and English people think the same.───在这个方面, 广州人和英国人的思维一模一样. (用同样的方式思考)
English people never put Mr or Mrs before their given name.───英国人从不把mr或mrs放在他们的名字前.
Before they became Christians, the English people worshipped old Norse gods.───在英国人成为基督徒之前,他们崇拜古挪威的神.
English people are supposed to be very reserved, but Pete is the exception that proves the rule — he'll chat to anyone!───一般都认为英国人很矜持, 可是皮特正好是个例外─他跟谁都聊得来.
English people like spiders?───英国人喜欢蜘蛛吗?
It used to be said that English people take their pleasures sadly.───过去人们常说英国人悲观享乐.
Most of English people eat at home as much as they can.───许多英国人都是尽量在家里吃饭.
I think English people ought to stick to their own country.───我认为英国人民应当执念于他们的祖国.
Some English people are of the Norman - French origin.───而还有一些英国人的是诺曼血统.
Though the lyrics are English, people who do not speak English enjoy it.───尽管歌词是英文, 但不讲英语的人也欣赏它.
A lot of English people go to different mansion houses to go and see their gardens.───很多英国人去参观不同的宅邸和它们的花园。
He has denied suggestions that he hates all English people, claiming the allegations are "laughable".───他矢口否认那些有关他憎恨所有英国人的推测,声称这些指控是“荒唐的”。
English people use the singular form of the noun in expressions of that sort.───英国人在这类词组中,常用名词的单数.
You must not take this attitude as typical of English people.
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