

词汇 another gift
释义 another gift
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another sign───另一个标志

another job───另一份工作

another year───n.又一年

mother wit───n.天生的智力

another planet───另一个星球

another place───另一个地方

Mother City───[地理]母城




them I may have owed another gift.───它还赐予我另外的礼物。

that matter, he could find another gift more easily than... what he faced.───其实,他也可以另外找一个女孩……至少比娶眼前这个要容易得多。

He wouldn't speculate on whether the President is obligated to get another gift.───他不确定布什会不会再送上一份大礼。

For her birthday, I didn't want to repeat my mistake so I gave her another gift card. I never received a thank-you note for either.───在她的生日会上,我不想重蹈覆辙,所以我送给她另一张卡片,我也从来没有收过一张感谢函。

He wouldn't speculate on whether the president is obligated to get another gift.───但他不确定布什会不会再送上一份大礼。

This is another gift of the silver ray as it flows through the act of shared blessings.───这就是银色光线当它通过分享祝福的行为而流动时,所产生的另一个礼物。

For smaller objects such as a gift, another gift can be returned easily settling the debt.───对于小一些物件如礼物而言,可以返还一个礼物就能简单解决债务。

It may increase your patience to realize that every minute you have is another gift from God.───若你明白到你拥有的每一分钟,都是神所赐的礼物,这样你便可以更有耐性。

That was, so to speak, another gift from Warley.───这不妨说是沃莱送给我的又一件礼物。


That was , so to speak , another gift from Warley.

Time to Learn Here is another gift idea with the children in mind.

So we to make another gift to our Rotary Foundation to endow a Rotary Peace Fellow.

Another gift that was well received was a book of poetry for which I made a pressed flower bookmark.

My Ray-Bans were folded around a mirror with a koa-wood frame, another gift from my aunt.

  • another job
  • another pair of shoes
  • another world
  • another pair
  • another me
  • another weekend
  • another day
  • another gift
  • another place
  • another start
  • another game
  • another thing
  • another woman
  • another sign shows




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