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gone at───扑向;努力从事于

done out───装饰(done是do的过去分词);布置(done是do的过去分词)

drove at───用意所在

come at───攻击,袭击;达到;得到

done by───完成人

done in───疲倦不堪

done up───完成


on at───在上


We had to have the washing done at the laundry.───我们不得不把衣服放在洗衣店里洗。

It was done at his instigation.───那件事是在他的鼓动下干的。

C-sections are seldom done at that stage of pregnancy.───很少在怀孕的那个阶段实施剖腹产。

Without his mother's knowledge, Chang had a matching test done at a hospital, and surprisingly the match was perfect.───津铭瞒着妈妈做了配型检查,结果和妈妈的各种指标完全匹配。

The moral of that story is often "too much is done at startup. "───这个故事的寓意通常是“启动时做的太多了”。

A rolling stocktaking shall be done at least once a year. The counting list will be provided by warehouse supervisor.───一年至少完成一次循环盘点。盘点清单由仓库主管提供。

Jordan's demand to have the stripe removed -- which would require restarting production halfway through -- had never been done at Nike.───乔丹的要求把带子去掉——也就是要求重启生产——这在耐克公司前所未有。

Then people can see it and say, "No, you're wrong" or "Did you know about this work being done at such-and-such a place? "───或者是其它非常新的事时,我把它写下来。之后人们能看到它并说“不,你错了”或者“你知道这件事在某某地方已经开始做了么?”

The sub-threshold current test, which is often done at the wafer level, is a measure of how quickly the device will turn on and off.───亚阈区电流测试常常在晶圆片级进行。它是表示器件打开和关闭的快慢程度的参数。


It was done at his instigation.

That's one part of the job done at any rate.

All this can be done at minimal cost.

What may be done at any time will be done at no time. 

The study was done at the request of the Chairman.

A study involving long-distance runners is being done at the Medical Center.

Does it need to be said or done at all? Strike out Women entrepreneurs have guts.

Everything was done at a leisurely tempo.

We had to have the washing done at the laundry.

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