

词汇 done and dusted
释义 done and dusted
done and dusted发音



tried and trusted───努力和信任

wine and dine───吃喝;以好酒好菜款待

diamond dust───n.冰晶;钻石沙

diamond dusts───n.冰晶;钻石沙

do's and don'ts───行为准则;守则

dos and don'ts───执政党与在野党;注意事项,行为准则

dust and ashes───尘土和炉灰;令人失望的事物

home and dry───安然无恙;达到目标;安全的

one and all───全都;人人


that's part one done and dusted.───这就是已经完成的第一部分。

Completely done and dusted.───彻底地完成并扫尾。

That's my article for the magazine done and dusted.───这就是我为该杂志写的文章,已经脱稿。

You know, you think that it's been done and dusted, and as bad as it is, but it's still ongoing there.───你知道,你认为火灾已经结束、尘埃落定,情况很糟,但那里仍在燃烧。

Normally I do not finish working until afternoon tea, but yesterday I was all done and dusted after lunch.───通常我要到喝下午茶以后才干完工作,可昨天我午饭后就干完了。

We've been together for five-and-a-half years now - all the arrangements for tomorrow are done and dusted.───我们在一起已经五年半了,明天的一切都已经尘埃落定。


Everybody else seems to think the deal will be done and dusted by lunchtime, but I'm not so sure.

By now the deal was done and dusted.

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  • done and dusted
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