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词汇 domestic violence
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Domestic violence is one of a law enforcement officer has to make.───家庭暴力是执法官最难搪塞的案件之一.

Officers had inadequate training in domestic violence.───警员在处理家庭暴力事件方面训练不足.

The researchers have also assessed other tests used for predicting sexual offences and domestic violence.───研究人员还提出了其它的用来评估性犯罪和家庭暴力的试验.

Objective To understand the prevalence of domestic violence ( DV ) in rural and its related factors.───摘要目的了解我国农村地区家庭暴力发生情况及其影响因素.

Call 911 or the police in your community if you suspect a case of domestic violence.───拨打911或警察在您的社区如果您怀疑家庭暴力案件.

Domestic violence is a regular occurrence in some families.───在某些家庭中,家庭暴力是常事。

Domestic violence is not a family matter as the authorities will intervene.───家庭暴力在新加坡不是家务事,有人管.

Chapter One introduces legal and regulations on resisting domestic violence in our country.───第一章我国反家庭暴力的法律规制.

Domestic violence is one of the most law enforcement officer has to make.───家庭暴力是执法官最难应付的案件之一.

She had fought for years trying to pass a bill to protect women against domestic violence.───多年来,她一直为通过一部保护妇女免受家庭暴力的法案而斗争.

People suggest that care centers should be established for women who suffer from domestic violence.───人们主张为遭受家庭暴力的妇女设立庇护所.

Women are still the main victims of domestic violence.───妇女仍然是家庭暴力的主要受害者。

Women are more likely to experience domestic violence, but men are also victims.───女性更容易经历家庭暴力, 但是男性也会是受害者.

Even domestic violence is often ignored, though It'still counts heavily in some jurisdictions, as Florida.───甚至家庭暴力也被忽视, 虽然它在有些法院系统如在佛罗里达仍被重视.

Domestic violence has many forms, including physical violence, emotional abuse, intimidation, economic deprivation and so on.───家庭暴力有很多种形式, 如身体暴力 、 情绪虐待 、 恐吓 、 经济剥夺等等.

This is a marriage with 16 partners and domestic violence is hotting up.───这是一个有着16位伴侣的婚姻,而且家庭暴力正在升级.

She is a victim of domestic violence.───她是家庭暴力的受害者.

Domestic violence is one of the a law enforcement officer have to do.───家里成员暴力是执法官最难应付的案件之一.

At the very least, the Government must offer some protection to mothers who fear domestic violence.───最起码,政府必须向害怕遭受家庭暴力的母亲们提供某些保护。

In this paper, the judicial relief for domestic violence related issues for analysis.───本文针对家庭暴力司法救济有关问题进行分析.

Take domestic violence as an example, almost 90 % of the victims are women.───以家庭暴力为例, 近百分之九十的受害人都是妇女.

He will also undergo a year of domestic violence counseling.───他也将被家庭暴力辅导一年.

The intervention action against domestic violence should start with many facets.───进行反家庭暴力的干预行动需要从多方面入手.

Women are still the main victims of domestic violence.───女性仍然是家庭暴力的主要受害者。

Domestic violence is linked with cultural stereotypes and inequalities in allocation of rights within marital relationships.───家庭暴力是与婚姻关系中的文化观念和权利分配不公平息息相关的.

Domestic violence is one of the most a law enforcement officer has to make.───家庭暴力是执法官最难敷衍的案件之一.

The debate on domestic violence ( DV ) statistics took a fascinating turn last week.───上周有关家庭暴力数据的辩论作出了一个华丽的转身.

Get the all new Ayi Jihu 2009 Desktop Calendar and contribute to her domestic violence campaign.───得到全新的吉胡阿依2009年桌面日历贡献给她的反对中国家庭暴力活动.

The domestic violence is one kind of behavior of legal sanction.───家庭暴力是一种法律予以制裁的行为.

She is spearheading a nationwide campaign against domestic violence.───她正在领导一场反对家庭暴力的全国性运动。

The local government shall set forth charters and practices for the local Domestic Violence Prevention Committee.───前项家庭暴力防治委员会之组织规程由地方政府定之.

This women's support centre provide legal consulting service to victims of domestic violence.───这个妇女救济中心为家庭暴力的受害妇女提供法律咨询.

The country is rife with social problems like alcoholism, unemployment and domestic violence.───这个国家充满社会问题诸多,如酗酒 、 失业和家庭暴力等.

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  • domestically traveling
  • domesticity sews
  • domesticating foxes
  • domestication of plants
  • domestic appliances
  • domesticating the maidservant
  • domestication syndrome




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