

词汇 正在教室里读书用英语怎么说
释义 正在教室里读书用英语怎么说

He is reading in the classroom




the use of computers in the classroom───在课堂使用计算机

The teacher allows too much noise in the classroom.───那位老师听任教室内有过分的嘈杂声.

This is our classroom.───这是我们的教室.

Furniture in the classroom should not be changed around without warning the blind child.───教室中的桌椅如需要挪动,应事先告诉这个盲童。

She made zealous efforts to clean up the classroom.───她非常热心地努力清扫教室.

I will attend you to the classroom.───我将陪你到教室去.

Maybe he is in the classroom.───他可能在教室里.

He insists on discipline in the classroom.───他一贯强调课堂纪律.

The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a child's needs.───课堂教师必须理解孩子的需求。

The students filed in the classroom.───学生们鱼贯而入教室.


The pupils trotted to the classroom.

The classroom was thronged with students.

Laughter was a rare occurrence in his classroom.

He strode angrily into the classroom.

There are twenty desks in the classroom.

Videos are useful things to have in the classroom.

We go to the classroom in sequence.

They ransacked the whole classroom for their basketball.

The students swarmed out of the classroom.

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