comb my hair
This is a new technique to comb out drug users.───这是找出吸毒者的新方法.
She was trying to comb some useful things out of the tangle.───她正试图从那堆乱糟糟的东西里找出些有用之物.
The comb is combined with a bomb in the tomb.───梳子和坟墓里的炸弹结合在一起.
Your hair is sort of funky . Comb it.───你的头发好乱呀,快梳一下.
Because my mother dog busy, no time to comb it ah!───因为狗妈妈太忙了, 没时间给它梳理啊!
Stork with the description of dog , the hair rendering with comb very thoughtful.───的描绘, 毛发渲染与梳理十分周到.
The same sort of thing sometimes happens to your own hair if you comb it hard.───如果你使劲地梳头发,你自己的头发也会发生同样的情况.
Finally, the stability of the laser determines the width of the individual comb teeth.───最后, 激光的稳定性决定了频率梳单个齿的宽度.
His hair needed a comb.───他的头发需要梳一下.
They'll all comb a body.───她们都会跟你胡搅蛮缠.
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