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analytical geometry───解析几何

analytic geometries───解析几何;分析几何学

analytical geometries───解析几何

elliptic geometry───椭圆几何(学)

alge;aic geometry───[数]代数几何

analytical chemistry───[分化]分析化学

analytical entry───分析款目

solid geometry───[数]立体几何

affine geometry───[数]仿射几何,[数]仿射几何学


Analytic geometry is the very important part in senior high school, it combine algebra with geometry.───解析几何是高中数学的重要部分, 它将代数与几何有机地结合在一起.

The fuller development of the parallelism was to lead to analytic geometry.───这种平行性的进一步发扬便导致了解析几何的产生.

In spatial analytic geometry, a spatial curve is an intersecting line of two curved surfaces.───在空间解析几何中, 空间曲线是两曲面的交线,在空间曲线中消去一元,即得投影柱面.

This course consists of several major parts, such as Vectors and Analytic Geometry, Derivatives, Integration.───课程内容包括向量代数与空间解析几何 、 多元函数微分学 、 多元函数积分学等几大板块.

Rene Descartes found a way to study geometric problems by methods of algebra called analytic geometry.───雷恩·第斯卡兹发现一种用代数方法研究几何问题的方法,称为解析几何学。

In this paper , two properties of paraboloid in the textbook Analytic Geometry is generalized.───摘要将《解析几何》教材中抛物面的两个性质定理推广到更一般的情形.

Analytic geometry is a branch of geometry, mathematics is one of the most basic of disciplines.───解析几何是几何学的一个分支,是数学中最基本的学科之一。

Quantity and space both play a role in analytic geometry, differential geometry, and algebraic geometry.───数量和空间在解析几何,微分几何和代数几何中都发挥作用。


Analytic geometry is the very important part in senior high school, it combine algebra with geometry.

In this paper , two properties of paraboloid in the textbook Analytic Geometry is generalized.

In spatial analytic geometry, a spatial curve is an intersecting line of two curved surfaces.

Limit, one dollar function calculus, spatial analytic geometry and vector algebra, infinite series, multi-calculus, ordinary differential equations.

In analytic geometry, the study of graphs of functions, calculus is used to find high points and low points (maxima and minima), slope, concavity and inflection points.

It covers arithmetic, elementary and analytic geometry, algebra, differential and integral calculus , special functions, calculus of variations, and probability theory.

Conics is a difficult section in the Analytic Geometry for senior high school students.

This paper will introduce the application of Weda's Theorem and Converse Theorem in analytic geometry.

This article structures and extends an analytic geometry model for a inequation based on combining numbers and shapes.

  • analytic continuation
  • analytics definition
  • analytical data
  • analytics vs reporting
  • analytically tractable
  • analytic geometry
  • analytical thinking




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